juanrga :
The problem is not only in the word you used, but you seem to believe that CISC can do more things than RISC, because you seem to believe that CISC is more "complete".
You're starting to annoy me, CISC can do more things than RISC can because of the SIZE of the instructions you can use. 64 bit ARM cannot process 256 bit floating point instructions. It's also not designed for complex instructions that take more than 1 clock cycle!
And as pointed before those larger instructions will take more time to execute. I continue without being sure if you understand the difference between CISC and RISC. It seems you believe that CISC is faster, when both are complementary approaches to reduce the execution time of a program.
CISC isn't necessarily faster...and OF COURSE they will take more time to execute, as they cannot be done in a single clock cycle...some of them take several clock cycles to run. This is an inherent limitation in RISC, you cannot get as complex in your instructions. Also, it depends on the instructions you're running...if we're talking 128 bit or 256 bit instructions...then the CISC x86 ISA is *FAR* better for that than ARM. It's not even a contest at that point.
As mentioned before CISC had an evident advantages in the epoch when memory was exiguous. That time has gone.
It *STILL* has clear advantages...I am beginning to wonder if you're hafijur's evil twin...just on the ARM bandwagon. You haven't read anything about the differences between x86 and ARM clearly.
Do you know the difference between RISC and CISC? Other than what Wikipedia tells you is different?
There isn't anything in ARM incompatible with desktop or high-performance servers.
Except that is doesn't have the capability to process long string complex instructions like x86...other than that issue, you're right.
As mentioned before quad-channel ARM chips already exist. Also who said you that a high-performance ARM chip will consume the energy of a phone?
There are *NO* hard numbers on these chips for power consumption at the level of complexity you're discussing, and I guarantee you, the TDP is going to be quite a bit higher than you think.
It goes just in the opposite direction. The easy way for ARM would be to wide the 32 bit arch, more or less like when x86_64 was conceived as an extension/superset of x86_32. However, ARM took a different way and spent many years to design a clean and elegant ISA which is not an extension of the 32 bit. learning from the mistakes and success of the 20 years history of 64 bit ISAs.
As a consequence the ARM64 ISA is modern, it is not an ISA of the year 2000 like albeit you seem to believe that.
In fact you spend writing about evolving by "adding complexities", when the new ARM64 also eliminates several things from the previous ARM32, for instance all multiple memory access instructions have been eliminated from the microarchitecture.
The age of the 64 bit ISA for ARM is irrelevant, my point is...
I don't know what do you mean by major OS player, but Google and Microsoft are taking ARM very seriously.
Who said you that the market will be pushed by AMD alone? What I said was that AMD+Nvidia+Apple+Dell+HP+Samsung+··· will do.
If by seriously, you mean WART...LOL!!!! Also, Android runs on ARM on mobile, but it's not a desktop OS, nor is it even close.
ARM and linux are currently the biggest piece of the overall market share. There are more people using Android than people using Windows.
Android is not designed for the desktop, therefore your argument fails. Also existent ARM chips were not designed for the desktop, therefore your argument fails again.
Right, but when you eliminate tablets and phones, who wins? We're talking DT PC, your argument fails because of false equivalency. Phone/tablet != DT PC.
As explained above ARM64 goes just in the direction of simplifying things both at software also as at hardware level. For instance, the new ARM64 has been designed to be easier to implement in modern process technology than the old ARM32.
And...? Linux has a better scheduler than Windows nearly across the board...it isn't dominating DT PC, and it's had a better kernel than Windows for YEARS.
It was also shown before to you, with real data, that with each new generation ARM is more powerful without sacrificing efficiency. The new A57 core is much faster than the A15 core but maintains the same power consumption level.
What real world numbers have you shown? There isn't an A57 out yet...if you're talking about the A7 from Apple...then this discussion is over. As you're
yet again extrapolating DT performance from *MOBILE* chips. Which is a fool's errand in itself...
It is funny that you pretend that x86 is a clear winner above the 50W TDP because AMD Seattle must be above that value and, still, AMD is replacing x86 with it, and saying us that all its future server will be based around ARM, with x86 server chips maintained only for customers slow to do the transition.
If you're already burning that much power, why wouldn't you take the backwards compatability, and capability to run more complex instructions? There's no argument against x86 at that point...at all!
Don't act like I have no clue what I am talking about...you clearly reveal that you are not aware of all the issues at hand.
I want to hear *YOUR* explanation of the difference between RISC and CISC. I understand the difference...but the true question is...*DO YOU*?