AMD Driver Problems


Nov 17, 2014
I have Windows 7 64bit, and I have a Sapphire Tri-X R9 290 GPU, and I just installed the new drivers(14.12). After I restart, it says that the driver isn't installed or isn't functioning properly. I cant start AMD CCC. It says, "AMD CCC cannot be started. There are currently no setting that can be configured using AMD CCC. I have no clue what to do. I deleted all the AMD folders except for the one in Program Files (x86). It says that I can't delete it because its open in another program, but I can't find said program.
You seem to be having the exact problem I am having at this very moment. Hopefully someone will be able to help us both. I think this new driver version doesn't play well with some of the cards.
So I fixed it. Combination of a few things. Driver sweeper (or Display Driver Uninstaller) must have broken something loose because the next time I ran the install it gave me a "drivers must be digitally signed" error prompt I had never seen before. This has apparently happened a few times in AMD's history where they will release a driver without getting windows to sign off on it. I was able to fix that error by using the steps described here (it's the really long post a few answers down):

I am not sure if the digital signing issue cause the driver versions to "pile up on top of each other" or if the previous driver just wasn't uninstalled completely so there were 2 completely separate problems. At any rate it works now (although I do have a tiny little notice at the corner of my desktop informing me that windows 7 is running in test mode now).