Question AMD FX-6300 Overclock, RX 570 8GB and stability issues/flickering

Jul 9, 2019
Hello everybody!

Machine specifications:
  • CPU
    • AMD FX-6300 (stock cooler)
  • Motherboard
    • Gigabyte 970A-D3P
  • PSU
    • XFX PRO 550W
  • Graphics card
    • Radeon RX 570 ARMOR 8GB OC (new)
    • Radeon HD 5850 (old)
I recently bought an old PC for pennies. The PC worked fine and I was experimenting with overclocking and using the BIOS features, I had the CPU running on 4.2GHz without problems and no voltage boost.

I decided to give a boost to upgrade the PC and so I added an SSD and bought RX 570 GPU so that I could play some games. Everything has been working fine on stock settings and I am able to play what I need.

Nevertheless, after the GPU upgrade, it is impossible to overclock the CPU. I have tried various settings in BIOS, disabled the features that are commonly referred to in the forums (Core Performance Boost, Cool & Quiet, C1E Support, SVM, Core C6 state, HPC mode, APM ), and raised the frequency step by step. The problem is that on 4.0 GHz I reach the blue screen of death in Windows and even raising the voltages do not work.

Before the GPU upgrade, it was also possible to just run AMD Overdrive's auto-tune feature and it always succeeded in 4.2 GHz and the PC was running stable. The temperatures were fine as well. However, running the auto-tune now results in flickering black screen and eventually there is no video signal in the monitors. In order to use the PC again, I have to force a manual restart and everything is back to normal.

It seems liks the GPU does not like the CPU overclock - is this normal? I know this is an antique setup but reading the forums tells me that 4.2 GHz on this CPU is peanuts.



I have purchased an EVO 212 cooler as suggested. The thing that is bothering me is the voltage I have to use in order to reach stable overclocks. To get 4.2 GHz, I have to increase CPU voltage to 1.45V. 4.3 GHz requires 1.4875V. To get 4.4, the voltage needs to be slightly over 1.5V. That is not normal I think. I have read numerous forum posts and seen that people achieve these results with much lower voltages. I am not planning to go any higher as I have come to understand that 1.5V is the absolute maximum for everyday use.

The CPU temperature with the EVO 212 is superb, reaching only 52C under Prime95 for 30 minutes.

With the previous GPU, I was able to overclock to 4.2GHz without any voltage increase. How come it is so different now?
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You need a better cooler to even think about overclocking unless your CPU came with a wraith cooler, which only newer ones did.

The motherboard seems ok, but maybe not the best for overclocking.

Okay, it just seems weird that it was possible with the older GPU. Right now I can get max 4.2 GHz and this is with CPU voltage of around 1.45V to have 1 hour Prime 95 running without errors.

I have looked around and found that EVO 212 is one of the most common budget friendly coolers. I checked Amazon, but am a bit unsure which one do I need to buy. Is it the 160mm EVO or should I take EVO X? Any other suggestions?ühler-Heatpipes-RR-212E-16PK-R1/dp/B0068OI7T8/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=evo+212&qid=1562750294&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1

EDIT: Seems that the Amazon changed the link...
I have purchased an EVO 212 cooler as suggested. The thing that is bothering me is the voltage I have to use in order to reach stable overclocks. To get 4.2 GHz, I have to increase CPU voltage to 1.45V. 4.3 GHz requires 1.4875V. To get 4.4, the voltage needs to be slightly over 1.5V. That is not normal I think. I have read numerous forum posts and seen that people achieve these results with much lower voltages. I am not planning to go any higher as I have come to understand that 1.5V is the absolute maximum for everyday use.

The CPU temperature with the EVO 212 is superb, reaching only 52C under Prime95 for 30 minutes.

With the previous GPU, I was able to overclock to 4.2GHz without any voltage increase. How come it is so different now?
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If the main change was the new GPU I'd imagine the PCIE-slot is being overdriven somehow and the new GPU doesn't like it. In my case a new GPU caused my OC to be more stable. I've got my FX6300 @ 4.5Ghz at 1.45 volts with a Deep Cool tower cooler which is basically an Evo 212
If the main change was the new GPU I'd imagine the PCIE-slot is being overdriven somehow and the new GPU doesn't like it. In my case a new GPU caused my OC to be more stable. I've got my FX6300 @ 4.5Ghz at 1.45 volts with a Deep Cool tower cooler which is basically an Evo 212

Thank you for your answer. Do you have any suggestions of what I could try in troubleshooting?

EDIT: When I think further, I have noticed in my overclocking process a Windows 10 messages that the graphics driver had crashed. Sometimes I have not noticed that anything has happened, other times there are minor things such as the logon screen in different colour specter for a second or something else. I have not really paid attention to these things because in gaming everything has been fine.