Amd fx 8350 high temp!


Jul 2, 2015
]So I recently installed Amd fx 8350 on my asus M5A97 motherboard.
Now, i have a cooler master 101 heatsink, just because it was pretty cheap and much better than a stock one.

Now my problem is that when i look at the temp in Bios it says around 47-49C on my CPU.
but when windows load and i launch programs like Speedfan, HWmonitor or Amd overdrive they all say the same temp around 47C but within 1min it drops to ~36C Idle and stays there stable.

and another problem would be that lets say when i launch a game like Dragon age Inquisition, my CPU temp skyrockets to 70C.

So i really dont know where to start, is my Psu bad, is my coolermaster 101 faulty, even though it runs at stable 2200 rpm at all times or did i just get a lemon for CPU.

Need help :)


I do have a good airflow in my case, got 2 front intake fans, 1 at the back to push it through and 1 on top of the case to suck it out as well.

Here's what i see on idle


And here is when i game


and once im done in 2min or so itll drop back to good idle temp.

any suggestions ?