AMD FX-8350 problem


Jan 7, 2013
Hey, i bought a FX 8350 just 2 days ago and already have a problem. it seem unstable at stock settings... getting low minimum fps in games like diablo3. i've run blend test with prime95 and the system restarts after 10-20 seconds (default bios settings) i've tried to up the voltage abit and i even updated bios to latest beta drivers but still the same problem. i've talked with the company i bought it from and they said i should send it back to them so they can test it but i wanted to come on here and ask you guys before i go through the whole process. any ideas what it could be? i'm using a 990FXA-UD3 motherboard with latest bios, 8GB 1333 rams and a 750w power supply. gtx 660 ti if that means anything. thanks in advance and sorry for my poor english.

RETURN IT! I hope the company is good and gets you a new one straight away! Hope this solves your question.

Hello man


I would send it back. It is one thing if your temps are weird, but this sounds like a bad chip.

Hello man


RETURN IT! I hope the company is good and gets you a new one straight away! Hope this solves your question.


Jan 7, 2013
Alright man, i'll do it.. ! i dont doubt this company a second cause they gave me a new hd6950 that i had for 6 months and broke with bad o.c. so i'm sure they will give me a new one. but thank you for your assistance

Hello man


Can you pick my answer as the solution please? I am trying to get an expertise badge!