So I've been experimenting with a multiplier overclock on my CPU, the idea was to squeeze some extra performance out for VR until next gen hits and an upgrade is necessary.
I managed to disable all the bios stuff that was blocking me (like powernow etc), enabled custom p states and HPC, put it at 4.5Ghz and got it fairly stable. The big issue is that when under load, it performs as expected most of the time, but it also regularly drops down to 1.4Ghz for a second or 2 before jumping back up. After testing until 3am last night, I found this was the cause of the significant regular performance dips I've been having in VR, and that my performance is actually better on stock settings without these weird CPU spikes. The overclocked performance is significantly better when it doesn't throttle however, so there is a gain to be made if I can stop the core speed dropping.
What I'm trying to figure out is what the hell is going on. My PSU is overkill, and I have a Gamaxx 400 cooler, so I have a suspicion that maybe its VRM throttling (as the CPU never exceeds 57 degrees C and even then it normally maxes out at 52, well below max operating temps). How I can actually verify that I have no idea though. I've only overclocked one CPU before and didn't run into this, can anyone help?
EVGA Supernova 850W Semi Modular 80+ Bronze Power Supply
AMD FX 8370 Black Edition 4GHz Socket AM3+ 8MB L3 Cache + Gammaxx 400
Asus GTX 1060 TURBO 6GB GDDR5 Graphics Card
Biostar TA970 Plus Ver. 5.x Socket AM3+ 8-Channel motherboard
3 HDDs
2 SSDs
I managed to disable all the bios stuff that was blocking me (like powernow etc), enabled custom p states and HPC, put it at 4.5Ghz and got it fairly stable. The big issue is that when under load, it performs as expected most of the time, but it also regularly drops down to 1.4Ghz for a second or 2 before jumping back up. After testing until 3am last night, I found this was the cause of the significant regular performance dips I've been having in VR, and that my performance is actually better on stock settings without these weird CPU spikes. The overclocked performance is significantly better when it doesn't throttle however, so there is a gain to be made if I can stop the core speed dropping.
What I'm trying to figure out is what the hell is going on. My PSU is overkill, and I have a Gamaxx 400 cooler, so I have a suspicion that maybe its VRM throttling (as the CPU never exceeds 57 degrees C and even then it normally maxes out at 52, well below max operating temps). How I can actually verify that I have no idea though. I've only overclocked one CPU before and didn't run into this, can anyone help?
EVGA Supernova 850W Semi Modular 80+ Bronze Power Supply
AMD FX 8370 Black Edition 4GHz Socket AM3+ 8MB L3 Cache + Gammaxx 400
Asus GTX 1060 TURBO 6GB GDDR5 Graphics Card
Biostar TA970 Plus Ver. 5.x Socket AM3+ 8-Channel motherboard
3 HDDs
2 SSDs