News AMD has reportedly sold nearly 200K RX 9070 GPUs worldwide

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Nvidia has sold us out to AI. They are just taking advantage of us now.
They have always been selling "to AI". When a company gets orders it needs to fill those orders. Do think NVIDIA wouldn't want to have more chips on the market for everyone? But unfortunately TSMC is the only player in town that can make the smallest most efficient chips at volume right now and everyone wants them.

And if you are a company you fill orders for the biggest customers. The ones paying big money. That's just good business and logical.

I'm an NVIDIA customer and want a lower end gpu for a smaller older PC I have. But I understand business and markets enough to just patiently wait.

Everyone complaining now should have bought last gen but only complained about those too. Maybe a change in attitude is what is needed instead of of NVIDIA who is gonna do what they do as a business.
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from what i understand (context missing) AMD did a double the "normal" sized run for the 9000 series, meaning they were expecting 2x the normal interest. the problem is this. AMD is 15% of the GPU market. double their normal interest isn't a huge amount of gpus. NVIDIA did 1/4 their normal run for a GPU release. just using this basic math, that means AMD could have done a x8 run and still not met market demand thanks to nvidia's terrible quantity

in short, AMD's lack of gpus is being caused by NVIDIA, in two ways. One because their 5000 series launch was terrible they caused a lot of extra unexpected interest in AMD, two, by undersupplying, which means the market, even agnostic to gpu desires is massively undersupplied.

It will probably take a while for AMD to meet market demand (if they can, they sign contracts with TSMC years in advance for supply and runs).

so there is your context. amd sold x2 their expected demand, and the market still has no gpus thanks in no small part to nvidia's mostly paper launch.
So TSMC demand by a million other companies plays no part in your argument? That's funny. It's all NVIDIA'S fault. They're to blame for everyone else's lack of planning. AMD's lack of planning. Funny how every generation people fall for the AMD marketing. AMD loves gamers. Console gamers.
And yet I can't find one in stock anywhere!
200,000 isn't a large number for 2 models. NVIDIA sold well over 400,000 4090s from what I gathered from reading various articles. 4090 at $1600 each.
Imagine the numbers for the lower models.
AMD likes spewing numbers that sound like a lot but they're not to people who have been following GPUs for a while.
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So TSMC demand by a million other companies plays no part in your argument? That's funny. It's all NVIDIA'S fault. They're to blame for everyone else's lack of planning. AMD's lack of planning. Funny how every generation people fall for the AMD marketing. AMD loves gamers. Console gamers.
let me educate you on the basics and maybe you can take off your team green sunglasses long enough to understand what i'm saying. we'll use the number 1000 to represent the hypothetical "normal market" demand for gpus in a given year. we don't know the real number, but for simplicity i'll use 1000 as a stand-in

1000 gpus per year.

nvidia makes up 85% of the gpu market, which means they sell about 85% of the gpus. so for NVIDIA to meet market demand they need to sell 850 per year.

conversely and obviously this means amd need to sell 150 gpus to meet market demand.

amd prepaired for this market with a double run, meaning they, in advance got 300 gpus ready for their release.
nvidia, conversely did a 1/4 market run, which means instead of 850 they did a 212 gpu run for the 5000 series release.

this means for this market there were 512 gpus available for 1000 gpu demand.


now this is a massive simplification of the market. demand fluxuated with price and time. if the market has a lot of people on the gtx 1660, an 8 year old gpu, then the demand is going to be higher then usual for replacement units. if pricing is lower demand goes up too. furthermore there are system integrators who need their supply of gpus. so the math above is a MASSIVE oversimplification of the market.

So TSMC is running at max capacity, and are opening new fabs monthly it seems to meet market demand, we can't assume any more gpus can come out of tsmc then are already coming out. I'm sure nvidia and amd would love to sell more gpus, amd especially but getting more supply from tsmc is very hard without years of advanced orders and planning. they're that busy. the new TSMC factory in arizona is already running at 100% capacity and that thing only has been open for like a few months.

so where are all the wafers going? why did nvidia run a 1/4 supply run? Well it's really easy to find. NVIDIA has redirected all their TSMC production to AI gpus for industrial sales / AI purposes. a simple look at the latest NVIDIA quarterly report will tell you all you need to know. they've cut back their consumer gpu production to meet the AI demand.

is NVIDIA 100% responsible for doing a 1/4 product run? no. but they clearly made the choice to favor their AI products over the consumer GPU market. which is why the 5000 series launch was so paper.

Furthermore NVIDIA is to blame for the quality of the 5000 series launch. which has been dogshit.

so no. this isn't AMD marketing. this is reality. a problem created sure in part to TSMC's limited production capabilities and added AI demand. but mostly caused by NVIDIA's anti-consumer practices and greed.
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200k sold more like 100k of preorders. sssh half of them are still on the production line getting put together.
well, remember AMD isn't selling an AMD reference model, so when they quote sales numbers they're quoting GPU chips sold to partner providers. those 200k probably have shipped. to Sapphire and Asus and gigabyte and all the other 3rd party manufacturers. where THOSE gpus are in the pipeline we don't know. so yeah, you're right, it's unlikely 200k have been sold to consumers yet, but that's because to AMD the only number that matters is how many gpu chips they've sold to their third party partners.