Move beyond PC.
But please don't give me a platform built ground up to get cash from advertising like current tablet/phablets/smartphones, rather give me something boosts my productivity beyond PC.
All I want is bring my VMs around and start what I need when I need.
For stating, it would be nice see real performance increasing every year like... well, like when PC sold well!
Now it will also be nice to have a 1-2 pound range device, with enough juice to work a couple of days: THAT would be great.
And, please note it's 15+ years I'm being teased, pleased and harassed every day with news about eye tracking, speech recognition, laser keyboards (IBM, 1992), video-cam remote controllers. Heck, most of those things are even on sale as geek toys, and all I get on the mainstream is touch screen, the most idiotic thing, fingers are not small enough for compete with finer controls, large screens and TVs are beyond my reach, and I've fingerprints everywhere!
Oh! What, you don't really mean any of that?
Ok, next one.