the company will scale back its traditional CPU business and put greater focus on micro servers, "semi-custom" APUs for the gaming, industrial and communications market, as well as APUs for tablets.
Micro-servers: Is that a drobo or something? Or a blade? How does AMD excel in this market?
Gaming devices: XBOX 720 GPU - check. PS4 GPU - check (I think?). Wii U - who cares? AMD owns parts of this, for now.
Industrial (embedded) solutions: if this is for imaging technologies such as MRI, then with GCN that makes a lot of sense. But this is not a huge market and cannot support a company as large as AMD without shared use of work products. They can only be successful with this if they develop the technology first for something else, and then re-apply it here.
Communications: smartphones? They're behind, and falling further behind. They need to find a manuf that can provide competitive power consumption levels.
Tablet APUs: Also falling behind, except for Windows 8 (non-RT) tablet applications. They need to find a manuf that can provide competitive power consumption levels.