Too late AMD. I sold off my back up computer's R9 290's just a couple days ago due to their abysmal performance in all windows 10 releases.
It's sad on AMD's part, but at least Nvidia gave enough of a damn to release several drivers for feedback (and they worked a LOT better than AMD's).
Alright, let me give you a explanation of why people think your being a fanboy....
You sold a card or 2..... because off performance issues.... with a BETA OS.
A beta os that has had how many build revisions in just past 2 weeks? 4? 5? possibly more... (i stop keeping track) and each of those builds can and/or have performance and/or stability issues..,..
So then why are you making actions on doing stuff based on software that isn't fully developed? Anyone in the tech field should know not to make decision on hardware based on beta software in general.
On top of that, your second comment. You mentions about your first graphic being from 3dfx. Which some people on this site probably NEVER even heard of. I have as i was just getting into building computers when 3dfx went out of business. Although his shows how long you and I been around..
Which puts your credibility of being non-fanboy in question....
Think about it.
For a guy that been messing with computers for 10+ years. Why are you basing (a) decision(s) on a software that isn't fully developed?
You should know better....
I do know better. And, being a decent human being who wants to share my experiences hoping to help others, I do it anyways even knowing that there are people out there that will shit all over me because this is the internet.
Yes WIn10 is a technical preview, and I did (later) clarify that I have/had problems in Win7, 8.1, 2008 R2, and 2012 R2. It's a trend, and it's one that I ignore about every other generation expressly to give AMD the benefit of the doubt - I put money where my mouth is. I know, very Green Team and fanboy of me.
My Win10 comment is a a rant - a pissed off rant. A rant borne of disappointment because I HATE paying the premium that Nvidia charges Well and truly, I want AMD to be better for my needs because competition drives down prices for the consumer - but with multiple card systems I just have consistently better experiences (luck?) with Nvidia..
By the way, how does my having owned a 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 put my non-fanboyism in question? (IIRC, 3DFX SLI and Nvidia SLI aren't exactly the same thing) Is it because Nvidia bought them out? If it clarifies anything, I hated that they were and I hate having only two high end video card manufacturers - the only good that comes from having only two is reducing the workload of developing video games (and I suppose GPGPU applications).
Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of competition!