AMD Loses Chief Engineer Michael Goddard to Samsung

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Nov 22, 2008
Hope that is not the leaving of the sinking ship story.
We need AMD, and ATI if for no other reason than to keep Intel and Nvidia on their toes.



Jul 13, 2006
ATI separates from AMD, become independent company again

AMD collapses, sells off everything, Intel becomes bigger.

Intel owns entire CPU market, f**ks with prices so much, doesn't put as much money into R&D

New intel products come out slowly and don't ahve a big difference.

Intel says "Well? Who the hell else you going to use? Tough s**t"

nVidia slowly makes better and better CPU's in their own quiet corner

Eventually released a new advanced CPU/GPU,

nVidia rises, cooks me supper and I go to bed.

Filet mignon


Hey, I still have a rig (that I've not turned on in months) with an AMD Phenom II x4 965BE in it. If AMD is going the way of the DoDo I'd better give it some more love. It's a good rig...I've just got too many computers.

Deleted member 217926

Seems like every few days I read about AMD losing more and more key personnel. Hopefully it's an inspired restructuring and not rats jumping from the sinking ship.


Mar 25, 2011
The death of AMD means nothing(and it prolly wouldn't happen anyways), other x86 clone makers have came and gone: Cyrix, NexGen, IBM, even Fujitsu, T.I. and others have made x86 clones...
You AMD iFanboys that are preaching that we are screwed if AMD dies haven't a clue how the CPU market works, or are old enough to remember the early days...

Anyways, more than likely, AMD will prolly downsize to the size of Cyrix and maintain a low profile for a while, prolly switch over to fab'ing intels' chips till they figure out what to do... Either way, they will still be around, even if it's just a dummy Fab company making chips for others...


^I had a Cyrix CPU-based rig that I'd built in the '90's. It was okay, but buggy as hell. Could have been that old Gigabyte mobo or that cheap computer-show RAM. You young folks don't know how much fun you missed...those were good days.


[citation][nom]sacre[/nom]New intel products come out slowly and don't ahve a big difference.[/citation]
There hasn't been a major performance jump on Intel's (nor AMD's) since when Intel decided to backpedal on Netburst.

The bulk of the annual ~60%/year performance growth that went on until about eight years ago was attributable to clock speeds and that large chunk of annual increase died when CPUs hit the ~4GHz brick wall.


Jun 26, 2007
[citation][nom]freggo[/nom]Hope that is not the leaving of the sinking ship story.We need AMD, and ATI if for no other reason than to keep Intel and Nvidia on their toes.[/citation]

If AMD fails it will likely sell off its CPU assets and just become a graphics only company. I think there is an effort at AMD to get new blood in there and to maybe get the salaries down at the same time. Someone there since 1988 probably had a pretty fat salary.

Unless the company totally folds, a bankruptcy is not the same as it is for an individual. Think of GM, they didn't totally go out, the bankruptcy allowed them to restructure their debt and change the union contracts so they could have a path to profitability. But unlike GM, AMD wouldn't have the government in the way.

I've said many times, AMD need to advertise! I have never seen an AMD CPU commercial, even when they had better products. Intel is a household name, AMD is considered an off-brand by many. Can't afford Intel, get AMD, type of thing. If they can do some catching up and succeed in new markets, they desperately need to advertise and let people know who they are.


Sep 16, 2010
i think people are readingway too much into this. AMD is in the rebuildin mode process right now. AMD is making themselves a more leaner and more efficient company. They overexspanded beyond their means during the last decade and it has caught up to them and now they are trying to cut back and rebuild the company so it isn't hemorrhaging money anymore to try to make it a more efficient company in which will come out of the rebuilinding process a better cp company then ever before.


Why does the media put a negative spin on these people leaving? Aren't they the same "leaders" that got AMD into the situation they are in?? Bye, go screw up another technology company.

AMD is on the right path; they are no longer trying to compete with Intel (at least in the long-term). They are diversifying the product portfolio putting more emphasis on embedded, and less on traditional CPUs.

The PC is "dead" - at least for now. AMD can't compete with Intel in the PC market. If OEMs and consumers weren't smart enough to use AMD in the past, maybe they will be happy paying 3X as much for Intel CPUs in the future. Consumers don't give a crap about that last 10-15% of performance that Intel offers yet OEMs continue to use more expensive Intel chips. It's almost like Intel was paying them to use their chips; that would never happen right?

I completely agree with SteelCity1981. It's rebuild time. Hopefully they can survive 2013 to get the plan off the ground.


[citation][nom]Martell77[/nom]If AMD fails it will likely sell off its CPU assets and just become a graphics only company.[/citation]
The x86 instruction set license AMD got from Intel is non-transferable. This means the only companies AMD can sell its CPU assets to are companies that either already own a similar license or are capable of obtaining one.

None of the x86 license holders I can think of have the budget or interest in x86 computing to take a chance on picking up AMD's x86 CPU business. On the other hand, quite a few may be interested in the GPU side of things since they are actually profitable and a key asset to meet the explosive growth in smartphone/tablet SoC demand.

Should the worst happen, the GPU assets will definitely survive but the CPU ones may be a long shot.
The new CEO seems hellbent on trashing the company ... almost like someone is paying him to do it?

I hope the SEC tracks his share portfolio accordingly.

The old Server VP told me he was on a roll.

This is what happens when an IP company (remember most of their Fab and related assets are now gone to GF) has a bean counter placed at the top during troubled times ... the board forgets that without constantly researching new IP the company is nothing ... headed down a hole.



Oct 14, 2011
Hm, I don't know if this is good or bad, but the main thing that matters is that Jim Keller is back with AMD.

He is masterming and If someone can save AMD, he can with his marvelous ideas.

Anyways, maybe that's why Steamroller is pushed back, becouse he will desing it from the groud up.


Oct 14, 2011
P.S. I don't see why people are predicting AMD is sinking, xbox 720 and ps4 will have AMD A10 chips in. This will be a substantial money boost. My prediction that they will be rising from the ashes in 2013 onwards.

P.S. happy 8320 owner here, clocked to 4.5ghz. Works like a charm.


Oct 1, 2010
[citation][nom]halcyon[/nom]Hey, I still have a rig (that I've not turned on in months) with an AMD Phenom II x4 965BE in it. If AMD is going the way of the DoDo I'd better give it some more love. It's a good rig...I've just got too many computers.[/citation]

What a completely pointless comment. Much like this one.


Apr 2, 2008
These are the guys that were running AMD that put it in it's current bad state so no loss. Meanwhile they are moving on to screw up other companies that hire them.


Mar 17, 2009
[citation][nom]deepblue08[/nom]*tears in eyes* RIP AMD. I just hope they get bought before they hit the can completely.[/citation]
maybe VIA should merge or buy AMD......
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