A small note on early OpenGL: SGI solved the issues of scalability
and host processing bottlenecks by developing IRIS Performer, a
higher-level API which was incredibly effective at allowing their
high-end systems to scale to multiple graphics pipes, while
exploiting tens or even hundreds of CPUs. Initially limited to 16
gfx pipes in parallel, I was told this limit was arbitrary and
there had been an intent to remove it with InfiniteReality5,
allowing scalability to 256 gfx pipes, but alas with the company's
demise that never happened.
Anyway, I was wondering to what extent any of the effort that went
into IRIS Peformer made its way into later OpenGL development after
SGI went belly-up? Because of Performer, there are things a max-
spec Onyx3900 can do which are still impossible on any other
platform even today, because of the combined host/gfx scalability
it supports while at the same time enabling enormous I/O for big
data such as GIS, defense imaging, etc., at the same time as
enabling complex interfacing for industrial control mechanisms, VR
devices, motion tracking & suchlike, all on the same system.
Cleeve, do you know if the Performer API tech ended up going
elsewhere? SGI did sell a lot of its IP in later days to rake in
much needed cash, but I don't remember a reference to Performer
being sold off. Maybe all that experience with exploiting OpenGL in
a scalable manner just faded away.
PS. Old ref: