AMD Next-Gen GPU Runs Crysis on iPhone

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For a minute there you had me thinking that the iPhone was somehow actually running Crysis. 😛

I have to admit that that 2.5 TFLOPs number is still making my jaw drop. My entire system (still running dual 8800GTS 640s + a Q6600) is like...half of that...
I knew AMD had something up their sleeves. This explains why AMD's stock has been going up so much. Those stock market guys always know whats going on before everyone else.
I think Hardware is going to be like CDs and DVDs...Most people still want to be able to touch their stuff. Not to say that digital delivery is bad, just look at CD and DVD sales though, people still buy these things.
But can it play Crysis?

US Fiber Optic networks are still half a decade from doing this type of service well. I would imagine you could get a larger profit from this over selling a GPU. The systems would probably cost $1k/year to maintain. With a simple $10/month premium and a large enough farm, you could easily expect to have atleast 10 people on every system considering for how long a period of time people play a game.
Now how many pigeons did it take to get Crysis running on the iPhone? :lol:
That's not Crysis...the whole hoopla about Crysis was it's graphics, which can't be done on that tiny screen. They duplicated Crysis's gameplay for the iPhone...which is nothing significant. At all.
Sure, it ran on that single iPhone. What happens when tens of millions of people try to play it at once? There's no way their network would be able to hold up, and the added latency would cause considerable lag.
Jesus, I just can't get over the negativity!!! WHERE is this coming from!? The iPhone is FRIGGIN AWESOME but FRIGGIN EXPENSIVE!!! AMD/ATI makes awesome video cards! Sweet! Glad they found some other use! I am personally creep'd the hell out by the whole render farm idea.. I like being at home with my machine. Having someone else render it for me sounds kind of weird. I seriously pay attention to detail and nit-pick EVERYTHING, so when I see people bash the iPhone, I just cannot figure out what is so bad about them? I mean, if you just wan't to say, "ThE iFone SuCkS!!" Then, be my guest but personally I wish that crap was kept to yourselves, unless you have a reason you don't like it? I would love to see some back ups. Serious.
I Think what people are really trying to get at here is that its not really Crysus. The title says "AMD Next-Gen GPU Runs Crysis on iPhone" which is obviously there to get your attention.

As others have said before me, what makes Crysis hard to run is the Graphics. What the title should say is:

"Stream FPS's to your iPhone via new AMD GPU".
have any of these companies thought about ping times, if a enemy runs up to you, you don't want a 60-300ms delay in your actions. a 10ms delay in a mouses power saving is enough to get you killed

Well the scalability of millions of players will be easy if the calculations are server side on the farm however the BANDWIDTH of the ISP would be a problem however interestingly enough a technnology such as streaming torrents could in theory lighting the load of this but that goes out the window when cheaters would hijack your packet to see where you are in the game world so yeah this is basically not a good idea for serious competitive gameplay.
I don't think it's that surprising running crysis in DX9mode, 640x400 pixels or like...
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