AMD or Intel i7


Feb 13, 2010
hey :)

im buying a new computer in a like a week, im not sure whitch build should i get?

Intel :

Cooler Master HAF
PSU : LC Power LC8750LL or II 720W
MB : MSI x58 PRO-E
CPU : intel i7 920 or 930
RAM : Mushkin PC3-12800,KIT 6GB DDR3 1600mhz
GPU : Sapphire A. Radeon HD 5850
HDD: Samsing 1TB. 7200RPM 32MB / ATA II


Cooler Master HAF
PSU : LC Power LC8750LL or II 720W
MB : Gigabyte GA-790XTA-UD4
CPU : AMD Phenom x4 3.2mhz OR AMD 6-core 3,2 proc. (when comes out) .
RAM : PC3-12800 "HyperX" KIT
GPU : Sapphire A. Radeon HD 5850
HDD: Samsing 1TB. 7200RPM 32MB / ATA II

- I do all sort of things on computer, like i wish all my games will run at 1980x1080 will most high Settings,i do very much converting & i maybe gonna start encoding 🙂 ..

thank you. 🙂
Go with the Intel build with an i7-930.
If you can, get the Gigabyte UD3R, since it's the best motherboard in the sub $200 range. However, if itz not available, the MSI is OK.
Rest is fine, you will be able to max out all the games comfortably, at 1900X1200; except maybe, Crysis, where'l you'l get about 20-25 fps average (which is still acceptable)
Are you going to overclock? Then the Coolermaster Hyper 212 is a cost effective & safe bet as an after market cooler.
Best of Luck!

okay.. its true that intel gonna change their socket next year or two, i dont know .. ?
and what about AMD 6-core proc. just asking, im sure im going to get i7 920-30
The 6 core AMD procs will probably come close to or beat the i7 in a multi-threaded app. Gaming they would be about the same.
In 4 threaded apps or less the i7 might beat the 6 core(depends on if AMD has done anything to make their processor faster).
is that configuration good ?

If you plan on sticking with a single 5850 for a while then Phenom II would be plenty and more bang for buck.

If you plan on 5850 crossfire or better on the same CPU/mobo then i7 would be the way to go.

no crossfire at this time, like few months later, the reason im not buying AMD because im not doing any gaming at all.. i like a game like a few times on 2 months :/

also i have a question.. in my country the AMD 6-Core comes out the last week in april. so its worth buying that procesor then i7 920? can some too explain what i7 multi-therding means?


Intel's hyperthreading basically makes 1 logical core have 2 threads(with ~5% die space increase). This will give you 8 threads to use at any time, but only gives up to ~40% performance boost since all it does is use the 4 cores more effectively.

If you are willing to wait, you should check out the benchmarks with the 6 core AMD procs since the black edition will be the same price as the i7.

i dont know what build now.. im doing very vegas Pro & Converting & Gaming

its that true that intel gonna stop making x58 sockets, and get into a new high end?
Are you kidding me? i7 is way better! AMD heats up very quickly, and unable to process efficiently. Intel 4 life!
:/ .. i have like 10 days left to choose.. i do all sorta things.. i wish my games will run at 1920x1080 at Max setting, i wish the convering will be fast also video HD making & Encoding .. i heard from my friend the companys like MSI-Gigabyte gonna stop making intel x58 MB's and intel is going to make a new socket..

the most important hardware :

HD 5850
6 GB DDR3 1600mhz
i7 920 2,66 (will overclokc)
Proc. Cooler. CM. V8 .

Well no matter how which cpu u purchase, there'l always be a replacement for it in a year or two. Think about what you need now, n that is stuff like HD gaming, Sony vegas pro, etc. For that, the i7 is much better off.
Now even if amd comes up with their 6-core, there are very few softwares 2day which'l be able to take full advantage of that. So if you purchase the 6-core, most of the time, half of those will be lying useless. Again i7 triumphs, since it gets the job done much more efficiently.
ok. i decided for intel i7 930, heres my configuration :


good or bad? tell me if i need to change some hardware 🙂

thanks. 🙂

Having owned both I can tell you that you got it backwards on the heat issue. My i7 920 ran much hotter than my P2 955 does. The 920 was a D0 and a great overclocker but it would heat up the room in no time. I think the P2 is a better gamer which is why I kept it but the i7 definitely has more brute force for CPU intensive tasks. Both are great platforms and have their strengths and weaknesses so it is hard to go wrong.

thats why i will have the Cooler Master V8. to cool-off. 🙂

AMD is getting hyperthreading into the Phenom II X4(by bios update) and the X6 series, the x6 will also have turbocore.
i have an X4 965 and i like it, and i dont need an I7= enourmous overkill!

The options you gave falls into different price ranges. But the differentiating factors are the CPU+Motherboard+RAM. Prices based on newegg are below except for the X6 which I got from this:

CPU i7 920 2.66Ghz $279.99
MSI X58 Pro $199.99
6GB RAM (Mushkin) $259.99 – CAS 6
Total $739.97

CPU i7 930 2.8Ghz $294.99
MSI X58 Pro $199.99
6GB RAM (Mushkin) $259.99 – CAS 6
Total $754.97

CPU X4 3.2Ghz $159.99
Gigabyte 790 $124.99
4GB RAM (Mushkin) $ 179.99 – CAS 6
Total $464.97

CPU X6 3.2Ghz $295.00
Motherboard MSI 890GX $129.99
4GB RAM (Mushkin) $ 179.99 – CAS 6
Total $604.98

If money is no object, the choice boils down to the i7 930 and the X6 3.2Ghz.
Between the two, I would recommend the X6 and use the $150 savings from the motherboard+RAM to get something else like SSD or a better case+cooler.
If possible I would seriously wait for some benchmarks for the Phenom II X6's. If you're worried about future upgrading, then I would probably go with the X6 since AMD is awesome when it comes to backwards compatability. From what i've heard bulldozer (AMD'S next architecture) is going to be coming out on a AM3+ socket so chances are you could probably drop that right in your current AM3 mobo and you'd be good to go.