AMD pc build


Dec 13, 2014
Hi I'm looking to build an AMD pc for everything (gaming,browsing,movie,editing ).
Would these components be ok ?
CPU: AMD fx-8320 -tray (the tray edition is a bit cheaper)
CPU COOLER: Arctic Freezer 13
MOTHERBOARD: MSI 970 GAMING (is the 970 chipset good for the future ?)
GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 280 OC STRIX, 3072 MB or XFX Radeon R9 280, 933M Boost Edition, 3072 MB ? (the XFX is around 10% cheaper)
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 1TB
RAM: Team Group Elite Plus 2x4Gb
CASE: Antec GX300 ATX (Does anyone know if it has good cable management ? )
PSU: XFX TS550 550W

I think it's good to mention that i have only 750€ to build it.

Looks good. I don't think any motherboard with the AM3 socket is good for the future because AMD probably won't make any new CPU's with that socket.

I can't find any thorough reviews of that case, but based on the pics I don't think it has great cable management. I assume you are interested in a build with a window since you asked that question. If I were you I would switch to a matx motherboard and get this new case from Thermaltake: Link, or a Corsair Carbide Air series case.

Edit: If your budget allows it, get some SSD drives for windows and games (make sure motherboard has 6 gb/s SATA plugs

I like this build. However somethings I would change. The CPU cooler is good, but I recommend the HYPER 212 EVO for better Overclocking.

Another thing I would like to know is what are the RAM speeds for the RAM you want?

The ANTEC GX300 has great cable management. Everything seems fine.
Change the CPU cooler from the Arctic Freezer 13 to something like a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus or EVO.

970 chipset is fine for a single GPU. The Only reason you would want a 990FX chipset is if you plan to crossfire your video cards.

Just make sure the motherboard has a solid VRM with a heatsink on it. Even if you don't OC the FX 8320, they draw a good bit of power and you want a good voltage regulator on your board.
upgrade you ram to 16 GB ... while 8 GB is fine for gaming , it is often very low for video editing ... and you can expect up to a 40% increase in rendering speed if you double your you ram to 2x8 ...

Pretty close to your build -- being here in the states, I had to pick a country that uses euros, so I chose the Spain site -- as they didn't have the exact model of case or RAM you mentioned. However, it's pretty close to your build, & comes in at 766€.

That being said...unless you're going to overclock the CPU, you don't need an after-market cooler, & will get better performance just by making sure you have enough case fans.

I will do that later an ad an ssd when I get the money .

the prices are a bit lower for some components where I'm buying but they don't have the Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 so I would probably take the ASUS M5A99X EVO R2.0

The ram speed is 1600 Mhz

I would get a 2x8 GB kit of that kit then. Everything else is fine. :)