Wait everyone, before you make your judgement. This benchmark/test drive on the AMD 965BE vs the Intels, is unfair and almost dishonest, and does not give an ACCURATE representation of what THIS processor is CAPABLE OF. Please read on before disregarding my comment, especially to my AMD brothers:
Toms Hardware bench tested games iwth low end graphics like L4D, and HAWX. I would like to invite EVERYONE reading this to this LINK:
When you go deep enough into this review at Tech Spot, you will see that the AMD Phenom II 965 BE can KEEP UP or SURPASS that performance of an INTEL when playing a HIGH-END game, with HIGH QUALITY, like CRYSIS itself. The AMD 965 BE OUT PERFORMS the INTEL even if by 1 fps. This is a VERY improtant point, that "tomshardware" has LEFT OUT. The enthusiasts care about GFX INTENSE games, and these guys left out crysis, the main BENCHMARK game. Please go read that review, it is far MORE accurate than what is posted here on TOMSHARDWARE.
With respect to all,
A Realist