Until ryzen chips are actually available retail there's only speculation on price and performance. The leaks may be accurate or they may not be. Official benchmarks and testing will follow once they hit store shelves. Even if those are msrp prices verified somewhere other than a 'leaked source' it doesn't always dictate what people will pay at the register. We've seen that with gpu's that were supposed to be one price and on release were priced a good $20-30+ above 'msrp'.
Current amd processors game ok but rarely are they considered 'high end'. They simply lack the ipc which is what ryzen sets out to change. I would agree that the fx 9590 is one of the worst cpu's of all time in terms of price/performance, stability, heat, motherboard requirements to run stable ($$$), cooling and so on. By the time you got a decent enough cooler and motherboard to handle a 9590 you could have chosen an unlocked i5 or i7 and broke even or possibly saved money vs the 9590 while easily outperforming it.