AMD Quad 860k 65c Idle!!!???


Jun 25, 2016
I have something very wrong with my computer somewhere. First off, i have an amd apu (i use a dedicated gpu) and in the BIOS on idle the cpu averages 58c - 67c. But i know this is bs because i have a hyper evo. I cleaned the cpu and heatsink, reapplied thermal compound (arctic silver 5) mounted the heatsink perfectly and it still read the same. I used the right amount of paste and everything.

There is something that makes my suspicious... 1: I havent checked the temps until today and ive been HARDCORE gaming on this pc for a month now. There is no way this is right because if it is 65c idle it would have gone over 80c and my pc would have shut off. Also when doing that gaming on high setting, i experienced NO issues what so ever... 2: I touched the heat pipe just to check (while idle) and is was way to cool to be 65c. i also know its being feed, i have a 700w psu.

Ive heard that temp readings on amd apus can be off by alot but i dont want to risk pushing it now because ive put alot of money into this build. (NO OVERCLOCK im running it at stock speeds)

Ive also heard alot about this cpu in particular running pretty hot on average.

Thanks for any input.

Your comment got me searching in the right direction, but i cant download it because im running ubuntu.
But i did a quick search and I saw alot of people saying 'certain' motherboard models have trouble reading APUs altogether or something like that. Do you know anything about that?

Yeah, i put it on clean two different times just to make sure. but my system runs VERY stable. im able to play dying light on high for 3+ hours with no issues. its really confusing...

could be a bad sensor.. never experienced this with any other build

I see ALOT of treads where people are saying their sensor wont work with their apu and they also get high reading. it probably varies mobo to mobo..

seems like it, but everything runs fine right? are yous ure the heatsink is not loose? also try downloading software like RealTemp to see if they say the same.

Thanks for the input.
ive tried everything you listed, even removing the heatsink bracket and replacing it. All temp software show different numbers, some cant even detect the cpu AT ALL.

Ill update the thread if i figure something out later
Did you renew the thermal paste when removing the heatsink? that necessary when you do that, otherwise it will overheat for sure.
The fact that some of them don't even detect might point out that the sensor doesn't work but I still think that that would be very weird..

BRAND new arctic silver 5 and i applied it 30 min ago. Im with you on this being weird, i might need a bios update or something. another random fact, its still reading 65c and i have a standard tower case and when i feel the back of the case where the cpu is on the other side i feel NO warmth at all... wierd

That was the problem! i checked the official page for my board and it said it released a bios update that better supports my model of cpu and now the idle shows 40c. i wouldnt say thats ideal temps for my cooler but that seems to be much more accurate.

Thanks for the input man.