slightly worse than a 9600 gt ???? have you acvtually benched a 9600 Gt?? the 4670 is miles below it, a 9600 Gt is only about 5% - 10% slower than a 8800/9800 gt .. i think you are thinking of the 8600 gt WHICH is ALSO a much much slower card than the 9600 GT ... note even a toms review of the 9600 when it first came out made mention that it is considerably more pwoerful than the old 8600 the 9600 gt was NOT a rebranding of the 8600 the 8600 was a rebranding of a 7000 part , while the 9600 gt was a 8000 part with only half the shaders turned on (has 64 as opposed to the 128 shaders on teh 8800/9800 gt ) Tom's old article even made mention that it was increadible that performance was only slightly lower on teh card given it had half the shaders disabled EVERY thing else about this card is mathced exactly to the 8800/9800 gt
while the 8600 had a smaller memeory buss and much lower clocked GPU and ram.
So shoudl get your facts striat before making coments about a card being crappy by saying are reallyc rappy card is only slgihtly worse than it , when in fact the 9600 gt is FAR more powerful than a 4670.