AMD Radeon HD 7670m extremely underrated

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Feb 10, 2013
Hey guys,
I recently got a new Samsung laptop, the specs:
Intel core i7 3610QM 2.3 GHz (Turbo boost to over 3.20)

8Gb of RAM

Intel HD Graphics 4000 w/ AMD Radeon HD 7670m

1 TB 5400 rpm

Windows 8

Ok so in the 2 weeks before I got the laptop I kept checking my specs and I was disappointed that every single site claimed the 7670 was pretty *** for modern day games. After I got the laptop and some complications with the drivers and missing software which resulted in games using only the Intel graphics instead of the 7670, I got it to work properly and I was exttremely surprised!! It runs games incredibley well, DMC 4 w/ highest settings at solid 60, Force Unleashed 1 high details at solid 60, Serious Sam 3 on medium GPU settings at 60 and high at 30, ultra at 20, The Witcher 2 on high with 20 and 40 at low settings, NFS:MW at 30 with medium-high settings, Saint Row 3 in medium at 30-40. Now you must be wonering what the F is my point? Look up the GPU on every site you know, and it'll say it can't run The Witcher 2 at all, can't run SW:FU on recommended, Can't run DMC 4 on high, can't run Saints row at all, and the most surprising, it runs Metro 2033 on high at 24-25 and medium at ~40.
Can anyone explain why my GPU seems to be super amped or why do sites have misleading reviews and benchmarks for my GPU?
Thanks :)
You have low expectations. It is as simple as that.

You probably play at a low resolution as well, as it is on a laptop. 20-30 FPS is not considered playable FPS by the vast majority. Even 40 FPS is often not considered enough. You are also happy with lowered settings.

You are also probably looking at the wrong benchmarks anyways. A 7670m is not the same as an HD Radeon 7670. One is a mobile version and the other is not and they often are not even based on the same chips between their mobile and desktop versions.

Anyways, be happy, you are getting what you consider great, so don't worry about it.
How isn't 20-30 playable? I come from console gaming which is always either 30 or 60 and I never cared for FPS till a got into PC gaming.
Anyways, I'm pretty sure my card is an AMD Radeon HD 7670m, I looked it up on Futuremark, here, game debate and other sites and they all have benchmarks running at 1024X768 and they all got lower performances than me. It just makes me wonder who has it wrong, me or them?
And my res is 1366/1360X768, my highest and most common laptop resolution

No point in playing shitty console ports at 1080P anyways. I have a dv6z with amd a8-3510mx with hd 6750m(7670m XT equivalent) overclocked to 2.2 ghz and med-high setting at 720p on most games is fine with me. But then, I don't care much for shooter games.

To most people, it's a slideshow.

If you're happy with it, then be happy with it; good for you for finding something that fits your needs.

For me, that is vomit inducingly low FPS, and I'm not joking. Assuming you are using a mouse.

Lower FPS, while still choppy looking, do not cause major problems for me if I'm using a controller or keyboard to control my character. However, if I use a mouse to control the view, it causes me to feel much more connected to the action, and induces simulator sickness, which is very similar to motion sickness.

For most people, at least with mouse driven games in 1st person view, 40 FPS is an absolute minimum for playable FPS. For me, it's 50, but I'll still feel motion sickness to a lesser degree until I reach 80 FPS with a 120hz monitor.
Ohhh well I guess that explains it haha, I ONLY play with a controller, no matter the game or genre, no controller support no buy. I prefer carrying around an X360 controller than a mouse, and I love sitting back when playing.
C'mon man that's crazy! 120hz and 80FPS is your minimum?! That's insane!

It's pretty common for enthusiasts. I game at 120Hz and about 100FPS when I can - unless the game is designed to play smoothly at low framerates, like crysis is, then I turn down settings to achieve that. Crysis 3 I play at 60fps.

As for playing with a controller and such, I have two comments:

1) The genres that make the PC amazing aren't able to be used with a controller, because what makes those games amazing is the precision of the mouse and versatility of the keyboard. At that point why not just game on the xbox? It'd be considerably cheaper.

2) Yes, you have low standards compared to enthusiasts. That's why we're enthusiasts; we also would start shaking in hysterics if forced to use xbox controller, play anything at 20fps, or, more than likely, play a game at 720p.

At this point, you've lost the original point of your thread - it's starting to feel more and more like a troll's thread by the minute. I'm sure you don't feel that way, but you've gotten your answer; if that graphics card will run games the way you like them, then be happy with it instead of turning into a Jehovah's Witness of graphics and trying to convince all of us that we're doing it wrong.

I never claimed anyone was doing anything wrong, abou the GPU I was wondering why my card gives me drastically different results than most hardware sites.
I said I was new to PC gaming, and it just amazes me how high your standards are.
And frankly, I don't appreciate it when someone calls me a troll, I'm sorry my questions and reactions are extremely dumb and/or noobish, but again, I'm new to this world of gaming.
And the reason I'm not gaming on an xbox, is cause
1. I have a PS3
2. I needed a new computer anyway, so I wanted to make sure it'll be a decent- to less decent for gaming, and PC games are cheaper and they're some exclusives.
3. Most of my friends are PC gamers, not PS3.
i need to play at around 50fps for smoothness. most things under will not do. but on a console, 30 fps is perfect fine because the game was meant for that (i play a lot of halo 4 on the xbox)

and the odds are that your laptop is not 1080p. therefore you can get decent results

I didn't really say 80 FPS is a minimum, though I shoot for at least 70 FPS in 2D. 80 FPS is just the point that I can play all day and not feel simulator sickness. At 60 FPS, I can play in 30-60 min bursts with no issues, longer if the game isn't all action. I tend to play in 3D at 60 FPS a lot, as you can't get higher in 3D without one of those new 144hz monitors, which get to 72 FPS in 3D.
Hey!! I have an HP laptop with the same specs.. you mentioned fixing errors that caused your intel graphics card to be used instead of the Ati one, How did you do that?
Thanks in advance!!

hey i too have bought a dell inspiron with same specs..I am wiiling to buy gta4..farcry3..assasin creed3..
have you ever played these games in your laptop..?because i wanted to know whether they could run well in my laptop..i too found same results in various websites..saying that i cant run it..can you assure me in this regard...?
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