This is a gaming card, and they tested it primarily for gaming. 7990's have been out a while, so the drivers are not improving much, no more than any other card, this is just the first AMD spec'ed 7990.
The point about the driver being specifically written to help microstutter in a particular game, is if this is how microstutter is going to be fixed, on a game by game basis, then that means new releases and unpopular games will likely have microstutter issues. It would ultimately be best if the microstutter issue can be done as a general fix, rather than a game by game fix. Either way, the fix is a few months away.
I think the one being biased is you. You are over looking serious problems in the area these cards are designed for; gaming. If you bought the card for gaming, its primary intended use, you'd be unsatisfied with the results. In the future, with new drivers, it could change, but we can't see into the future. However, they did give you a hint on what is coming with the Prototype drivers. That is more than most other reviews do.