Gary6969 :
bench marks are useless if we cant even buy one of these. Damn miners, i hope they make asics soon, or I'm just going to end up getting a Geforce. This is getting to be ridiculous for a GPU.
Since Maxwell has much better hashes-per-watt performance than AMD's current stuff and Nvidia's own previous GPUs around the $150 price point, it could be a popular choice for Scrypt miners since power is a large part of long-term mining costs.
Since Scrypt mining is heavily dependent on RAM bandwidth and latency, ASIC mining is not going to be quite as advantageous unless they put large SRAMs in the chips so GPU mining should remain viable for a lot longer than BitCoin - RAM bandwidth and latency are much more difficult to scale up in performance than the raw processing power BitCoin required. ASIC mining on Scrypt will be mainly limited to how many pins can be cost-effectively fitted on a chip to connect to DRAM dies and how fast those DRAMs can go -
same reason mainstream GPUs (~$150) and CPUs have been "stuck" at 128bits for the past ~15 years.