bit_user :
I consider Polaris to be an actual gaming card, don't you?
To be fair, it's been difficult to find them at anywhere close to retail price in recent months due to the mining mess, so they might as well not exist as far as gaming cards are concerned. Lately, they could be considered mining cards more than anything.
Martell1977 :
Not exactly sure where in the product stack it would occupy considering the 580's matches or beats the 1060's, so IF Vega 11 comes in between the 1060 and 1070, there is no competition for it. It would dominate at the $300-$350 price range.
Nvidia's cards around that price range have been out for over a year now, so they're due to be replaced by something new before too long. Even if it were just a refresh of the 10-series hardware, I would suspect that the 1060's successor might be updated to outperform the RX 580 at least.
Of course, even if AMD launches something with performance between a 1060 and a 1070, if it's anything like their other cards it should perform well at cryptocurrency mining, so if that's still a thing at that point, its price might get driven up to 1070 levels or higher, where it wouldn't be dominating much at all from a gaming perspective.
This graphics card shortage could hurt AMD's install base more among gaming systems in the long run. Just looking at the first graph on the latest
Steam Hardware Survey, AMD's share of the market appears to be shrinking quite a bit lately, at least on systems used for gaming. Between AMD, Nvidia and Intel, AMD's graphics hardware was in close to 25% of these systems a year ago, but they are now down to just 18.6%. Over the same period, Nvidia's share of the market increased from 57.6% to 67.6%. When you factor in that some of those AMD chipsets are likely integrated graphics on their APUs, Nvidia has probably been outselling them on dedicated hardware at least four to one lately, and I'm sure those numbers have been even worse the last few months.
AMD might not have trouble selling their cards to miners, but miners don't exactly care about brand loyalty, and won't help further AMD's ecosystem. FreeSync might be a great alternative to G-sync, but if AMD doesn't have graphics cards available at reasonable prices, their potential customers will be more likely to go with Nvidia, and in turn a G-Sync monitor, and once they've bought into one of those, they'll be more prone to sticking with them in the future. A smaller install base means developers will care less about optimizing for their cards as well. Considering how volatile the mining market can be, it's probably better to focus more on maintaining a dedicated userbase more than anything.