i rolled back to 15.9 beta , I had a few issues with the crimson edition. I put it in immediately after it came out, or a day later into my machine with a 7950 OC 3gb card. I have been using beta updates in this machine and never had any issues at all. I typically do a clean install by using program and features (win7x64prof) to remove prior beta and then installing next. never installed on top of last one
I lost all my presets and profiles when i set up crimson and it failed to identify my 2nd monitor. I had to guide it through manually but all this took lots of time and certainly undid any few seconds less click feature touted
I got a post through the Jive forum I am part of that indicated a few items had not yet been ported into this version of crimson and are yet to come..so,I will just wait a bit. I have a perfectly running graphics card and am not on the cutting edge anymore. not close to getting a fury or R9 390x or get all my settings on max for the newest games. I can be patient
It is good to read this positive review though. I guess my experiences are not common , and am happy for AMD products, I have all my computers-i built- totally amd cpu/gpu since 2009. I am waiting for AM4 processors I hope to match with a next gen gpu as well