AMD Radeon Software Crimson, Catalyst Control Panel Compared

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I cant seem to get either version of crimson to work with crossfire. 2nd 290 shows up as (Disabled). The crossfire menu doesn't show up in additional settings to enable crossfire. Every game the used to work with crossfire (seems like few and far between these days) is now 1 card for 3 monitors...
Don't know how or why, BUT my games are on Steam and my Steam app id is in 3D Settings in CCC.....There's a Crossfire Dialog Box when I click on my Steam App ID...I have other issues....The power savings and temperature drops in games WORKS.....BUT, this Crimson thing has conflicts with CCC....what you do in one changes the settings in the other.....THEY DID NOT DO AWAY WITH CCC......It's still there and still running.....FRTC in Crimson comes up as Frame Pacing in 3D Gaming settings in CCC....shut off one or change settings in the other and everything is effected.....CONFUSION REIGNS and my GPU and Memory gauges are hoping up and down constantly....before Crimson I had NONE of these issues....CCC worked just fine....Why AMD didn't just update the drivers in CCC and call it a day ? They claim Crimson is the result of feedback from consumers ? They never asked me ! ! ! LOL......Everyone knows AMD GPU's run hotter than NVidia. I was happy to see my temps go down. BUT, this was only a problem on a couple of specific titles. NOT my entire game collection. Most games on Ultra are in the 50's and 60's degrees C Why Far Cry 3 and Sniper Elite are so demanding is their software.....Some people will beg to differ....SO BE IT
i rolled back to 15.9 beta , I had a few issues with the crimson edition. I put it in immediately after it came out, or a day later into my machine with a 7950 OC 3gb card. I have been using beta updates in this machine and never had any issues at all. I typically do a clean install by using program and features (win7x64prof) to remove prior beta and then installing next. never installed on top of last one
I lost all my presets and profiles when i set up crimson and it failed to identify my 2nd monitor. I had to guide it through manually but all this took lots of time and certainly undid any few seconds less click feature touted
I got a post through the Jive forum I am part of that indicated a few items had not yet been ported into this version of crimson and are yet to,I will just wait a bit. I have a perfectly running graphics card and am not on the cutting edge anymore. not close to getting a fury or R9 390x or get all my settings on max for the newest games. I can be patient
It is good to read this positive review though. I guess my experiences are not common , and am happy for AMD products, I have all my computers-i built- totally amd cpu/gpu since 2009. I am waiting for AM4 processors I hope to match with a next gen gpu as well
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