According to Overclockers UK:
" (...) the good news is AMD are rebating early launch sales to allow us to hit £449.99 on the stand alone black card which has no games. This is a launch only price which AMD at present are saying will be withdrawn in the near future, when if it happens is unknown, but remember do not be shocked if the price jumps nearly £100 in a few days. This time around there is no early adopter tax, quite the opposite on the stand alone black card, so do be quick."
So the $500 msrp was basically complete BS by AMD simply used as a marketing tactic to make launch reviews look better. You're never going to see a mythical $500 Vega64 again.
" (...) the good news is AMD are rebating early launch sales to allow us to hit £449.99 on the stand alone black card which has no games. This is a launch only price which AMD at present are saying will be withdrawn in the near future, when if it happens is unknown, but remember do not be shocked if the price jumps nearly £100 in a few days. This time around there is no early adopter tax, quite the opposite on the stand alone black card, so do be quick."
So the $500 msrp was basically complete BS by AMD simply used as a marketing tactic to make launch reviews look better. You're never going to see a mythical $500 Vega64 again.