According to Guru3d SLI is supported only on x370. Ryzen is great CPU but chipset is just horrible.
In what way would that even be a problem? If someone is building an SLI/Crossfire system, they will most likely be picking up a higher-end motherboard as well. Not all of the x370 motherboards are that expensive compared to the other AM4 motherboards available at launch either. Right now, the lowest-priced x370 chipset motherboard on Newegg is $140, just $40 more than the least expensive AM4 motherboard they currently have. If you're building a multi-GPU system, you will undoubtedly be spending a fair amount on it, and will probably also be willing to spend a bit more on the motherboard as well. By that logic, you could say that nVidia's current graphics cards are "horrible" as well, since they only support SLI on their high-end cards starting at $380 each.*
*If this sounds vaguely similar to the previous post, it's because I was writing this yesterday evening before that post existed, but didn't post it until this morning. : P
teamninja :
Most regular people won't ever need more then 4 cores these days and Maybe still for years to come... they released 8 cores it is gunning for intel's Top of the line cpus but they are only relasing 6 cores in Q2.... what? Where are those 4 cores Q3? Regular people simply don't need that many cores
AMD might be starting with their 8-core parts, but they are pricing them to compete with Intel's 4 and 6-core i7s. Likewise, they'll have 6-core chips priced similar to what Intel has been charging for 4-core i5s, and eventually 4-core chips priced like Intel's dual-core i3s. Before long, Intel will likely lower their prices somewhat as well, and 6 to 8-core chips will start to become more common in gaming systems, while four cores will become the norm for budget systems.
A big part of why most existing games don't make much use of more than 4 cores is because game developers need to make sure their games will run reasonably well on common hardware, and until now, 6 and 8 core processors have been rather niche. According to Steam's latest hardware survey, only 1.75% of Steam users have more than 4 processor cores, which is even fewer systems than are running Steam on single-core processors. It simply hasn't made much sense for developers to optimize their games to make use of more cores when the vast majority of their target audience has 2 to 4-core CPUs. Once a reasonable portion of gaming systems have more than 4 cores, and the number of systems with dual-core processors tapers off, developers will start to look for ways to better utilize those additional cores. It's unlikely that you'll see lots of games doing that immediately, but you may start to see some performance benefits down the line. And of course, a decent amount of other software already can make use of those extra cores. If someone is streaming their games, or encoding videos, or extracting compressed archives, or just leaving other software open in the background, those extra cores can make a difference.
I do agree that if you're building a gaming system on a tight budget, a 4 core processor should be fine enough for now, just as 8GB of RAM are fine to run nearly all existing games. It's likely that we'll see more performance benefits in games from having a bit more RAM, or a couple more processor cores relatively soon though.