AMD Ryzen 5 2600 temperature spikes on full load


Feb 10, 2015
I was just stress testing my newly aqquired Ryzen processor and found out that the temperature has some weird spikes sometimes.
When I'm at full load it stays constant at 94 degrees (I'm gonna change my cooler soon). But sometimes it just spikes up to almost 101 degrees???
Why is this happening and why does it not thermal throttle at that temperature?
It also does this when it's not at full load. But im not too worried about that.
Should I be worried?

See the image for a Aida64 graph

The time interval for the temperature is set to 1 second

Wait are you serious?
Do you have extra fans installed or something?
I'll reinstall the cooler when I have time tomorrow

I changed the fans on my H500 but I have two as intake and two as exhaust however those fans wouldn't make that big of a difference between my build and yours. Also my CPU hasn't been overclocked manually but due to the thermals it does boost to 4.3ghz while gaming by XFR2. ***Load temp was 59C, not 53C****.


^^^This was Destiny 2 for like a 1 hour on High settings.