[citation][nom]alidan[/nom]yay im going to be downvoted and i know this will be hidden within an hour but i have to say this.i want games to be made on 3 tiers- low end- console qiality- top end single cardlow end would be a low tier gpu, like the 75xx line or 76xx line i forget what the lowest is... basicly the game is playable at bare minimium settingsconsole quality would bring it up to needing a mid range card to play well the 57xx line or betterhigh end would be gear tword the fastest single gpu setup, no crossfire at all. amd just showed that integrated graphics are good enough, probably for console qualirt and possibly what i call mid tieri never want games to require multi gpu and i want them to be playable on a wide range of machines, and amd has just shown us the future of pc gaming, every thing they sell from now on can play a game... its amazing to me.[/citation]
Even games which require crossfire/SLI to max offer perfectly good graphics quality that a single card can run. I know it does hurt people's ego when their system can't run a game maxed out, but I like it, because it gives me a reason to play the game again in a couple years.