I bought a Tbird 1.1ghz in January (oem) and installed it onto my A7V with a SuperORB and applied the thermal grease and all, (this relates to my last post btw) and now, in March, it's died... I took it into a techie friend of mine and he tested the system all day, and came to the conclusion that the CPU was dead. It wasn't burnt out, but the edges of the core had crumbled off. Almost all the way around, it was crumbled. Has anyone ever heard of this?! I had noticed a little TINY bit of it chipped off but now apparently it's totally all the way around.
This is really a serious question, because if it's happened to anyone else then i am going to report it to AMD and demand a refund... If this is a regular occurance then they should be taken off the market. I spent $475 (aus) on that damned CPU and now just over 2 months later (late january purchase) it's died on me and it looks like it's not covered under warranty because i installed it myself. This is bullsheet if that's true...
Seriously guys, help me out here, if you have had this happen to you or know anyone who has, can you post a message please? It may save everyone a lot of money.
Extremely <b> Pissed Off</b>,
<b><i>The Audiophile</i></b>
AMD Tbird 1.1Ghz & SuperORB
Asus A7V
Winfast GeForce2 MX
Win98 SE
I bought a Tbird 1.1ghz in January (oem) and installed it onto my A7V with a SuperORB and applied the thermal grease and all, (this relates to my last post btw) and now, in March, it's died... I took it into a techie friend of mine and he tested the system all day, and came to the conclusion that the CPU was dead. It wasn't burnt out, but the edges of the core had crumbled off. Almost all the way around, it was crumbled. Has anyone ever heard of this?! I had noticed a little TINY bit of it chipped off but now apparently it's totally all the way around.
This is really a serious question, because if it's happened to anyone else then i am going to report it to AMD and demand a refund... If this is a regular occurance then they should be taken off the market. I spent $475 (aus) on that damned CPU and now just over 2 months later (late january purchase) it's died on me and it looks like it's not covered under warranty because i installed it myself. This is bullsheet if that's true...
Seriously guys, help me out here, if you have had this happen to you or know anyone who has, can you post a message please? It may save everyone a lot of money.
Extremely <b> Pissed Off</b>,
<b><i>The Audiophile</i></b>
AMD Tbird 1.1Ghz & SuperORB
Asus A7V
Winfast GeForce2 MX
Win98 SE