seems like a reasonable buy indeed!
I would prefer if the device was not very powerhungry, since the majority of the people use their pc's for office tasks, and it would be a waste to buy a 350W idle pc, to do my mails, and my office documents; for the few hours of gaming I do per week.
I wish AMD would optimize their systems still more,reaching a sub 150W system in idle, that would still have the horsepower to run latest games. I understand that computing power is needed, and requires a higher wattage under full load.
However it seems to me AMD relies too much on software matic powerdown of a system, and has too little hardware support (eg: that would hardwarematic power down, or completely shut off parts of the internal hardware that are not needed (eg: Voltage capacitators (or something), shutdown of unused cores, reduction in USB Bus speed, ram speed, and PCIE speed when not needed; Run the 4800 card on 10% of it's hardware or less when doing 2D tasks like internet browsing, watching a normal non HD movie, doing Ms Word documents etc... In fact shutting down unused VRAM would be nice (reduce to eg:128Mb for 2D)!)
Something Windows 7 should need to support to be greener is relocating unused RAM, and shutting down RAM sticks that are not used.
Opposing Windows Vista which uses all RAM possible,even when not really necessary.
but this seems like a nice buy for the coming 4 to 5 months!