[citation][nom]jazz84[/nom]It's a good idea in theory and I'm sure it'll work great once they work out the kinks. Tried it yesterday though on a fresh Windows 7 install with 10.8 installed. Installation went smoothly, but after reboot I was presented with a happy little error message telling me that my video drivers were corrupt. Deleted all the relevant AMD / ATI files and registry entries, installed 10.9 the NORMAL way, and no issues. Suffice to say, I won't be using this feature again for quite some time...[/citation]
I'm suspecting it may have something to do with you having the "WHQL" driver and when the update was done automatically, it may have caused windows to take a dump when you attempted to replace a WHQL driver wint a non WHQL driver.
WHQL is just another way of saying the driver is lacking features and performance.