Literally the only cards I ever had issues with, both on the drivers and the hardware side, were AMD cards. Sorry, but if literally every AMD card you ever owned bit the dust to overheating, while the Nvidia replacement worked thrice as long under the same circumstances, and then you also got buggy drivers that mysteriously vanished the second the new card is installed... plus more features on the Nvidia side... sorry, never buying AMD again until they fix that horrible garbage they produce. AMD is nowhere near the winner here unless you consider pricing, but then, you get so much more for those couple bucks more that Nvidia costs.
Also, lmfao about the guy who claims Nvidia drivers were so horrible to install on Linux. No idea what distro you use, buddy, but you need a better one. Never had any issues there, either, and I dabbled into it several times on several systems. The biggest issue so far was to install and get games running that aren't in my Steam library. Considering they usually fail to install at all, that seems to be a Linux issue, not Nvidia. Which is also why Windows is still my OS, together with being unsure about my hybrid Alder Lake CPU running well...