Scalping is big business. I hear some of these scalping companies have hundreds of employees. It takes organization, investors, and automation to manipulate a market - not just a bunch of random people trying to make a few hundred bucks on ebay.
I'm suspicious that, this time around, the scalping industry had enough capitol to buy out the entire market of cards - including last gen. They become more powerful every time a big product launch or concert makes people lose their minds and forget the value of money.
It sucks for freelance workers and small businesses who have to buy retail GPUs to do their jobs, but for everybody else? Just ignore it. You don't need these GPUs. You won't die if you play a game at 1080p60 Medium instead of 4k144 Ultra, you probably won't even notice that much of a difference.
You're not a professional gamer nor streamer, and constantly chasing bleeding-edge gear is not going to change that.
Use what you have, buy a gaming laptop, or just find another way to entertain yourself. Maybe cards will get cheaper, or maybe they won't. You're not missing out, so don't worry about it. Every other PC gamer is in the same boat as you, including a lot of the more interesting developers.