News AMD's 9000-series GPUs sell for up to $2,000 as opportunistic scalpers take control

At pcpartpicker I see plenty of sub $2000 RTX 5080 cards available. While the 9070 XT might be better than the 5070 and close enough to the 5070TI and certainly better with the MRSP price difference, I do not think it is a match at all for the RTX 5080 with price parity at $2000 or even if you are looking at the less drastic scalper prices in the post $1500 range.
Scalping is big business. I hear some of these scalping companies have hundreds of employees. It takes organization, investors, and automation to manipulate a market - not just a bunch of random people trying to make a few hundred bucks on ebay.

I'm suspicious that, this time around, the scalping industry had enough capitol to buy out the entire market of cards - including last gen. They become more powerful every time a big product launch or concert makes people lose their minds and forget the value of money.

It sucks for freelance workers and small businesses who have to buy retail GPUs to do their jobs, but for everybody else? Just ignore it. You don't need these GPUs. You won't die if you play a game at 1080p60 Medium instead of 4k144 Ultra, you probably won't even notice that much of a difference.
You're not a professional gamer nor streamer, and constantly chasing bleeding-edge gear is not going to change that.

Use what you have, buy a gaming laptop, or just find another way to entertain yourself. Maybe cards will get cheaper, or maybe they won't. You're not missing out, so don't worry about it. Every other PC gamer is in the same boat as you, including a lot of the more interesting developers.
Maybe i am too rich for my own good, but I detest consoles, or more realistically, the controllers that are required to run them enough, I am willing to pay significantly more for a powerful PC than use them. I am good with a keyboard/mouse, and terrible at using the controllers.
Keyboard/Mouse support on consoles is better than you might expect.
Stop blaming the mythical "scalpers" for the shortages. Thanks to them, at least you can still buy the GPU if you really need it. For its true market price of course. If not for them, there would be no GPUs available at all, at any price.

The MSRP reminds me of state-controlled prices in eastern Europe behind the iron curtain before 1989. The government would set an official price for the meat, or shoes, or anything. Then the shops, selling at that price, would run out within minutes of being supplied, with massive queues forming. To buy anything you'd have to get it from the "black market", where everything was available, although at the true market price, not the state-mandated one.

At least we don't call it "black market" anymore, and don't try to ban it. It is the real market. The guys who buy and sell these cards are not "scalpers". They are normal traders. Stop demonising and blaming them.
Stop blaming the mythical "scalpers" for the shortages. Thanks to them, at least you can still buy the GPU if you really need it. For its true market price of course. If not for them, there would be no GPUs available at all, at any price.
What do you mean? If it weren't by the scalpers, all those cards would have been bought by actual consumers at their price, not inflated, and maybe, some cards would still be available.
The MSRP reminds me of state-controlled prices in eastern Europe behind the iron curtain before 1989
Dude, the MSRP is determined by the owner of the product, a private company.
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Scalping is big business. I hear some of these scalping companies have hundreds of employees. It takes organization, investors, and automation to manipulate a market - not just a bunch of random people trying to make a few hundred bucks on ebay.

I'm suspicious that, this time around, the scalping industry had enough capitol to buy out the entire market of cards - including last gen. They become more powerful every time a big product launch or concert makes people lose their minds and forget the value of money.

It sucks for freelance workers and small businesses who have to buy retail GPUs to do their jobs, but for everybody else? Just ignore it. You don't need these GPUs. You won't die if you play a game at 1080p60 Medium instead of 4k144 Ultra, you probably won't even notice that much of a difference.
You're not a professional gamer nor streamer, and constantly chasing bleeding-edge gear is not going to change that.

Use what you have, buy a gaming laptop, or just find another way to entertain yourself. Maybe cards will get cheaper, or maybe they won't. You're not missing out, so don't worry about it. Every other PC gamer is in the same boat as you, including a lot of the more interesting developers.
And as long as people show no self restraint that practice will continue. One of the reviews "verified purchase" on Amazon for an RTX 5080 said it was tough dealing with OCD so he/she purchased a $2200, RTX 5080.
Scalping is big business. I hear some of these scalping companies have hundreds of employees. It takes organization, investors, and automation to manipulate a market - not just a bunch of random people trying to make a few hundred bucks on ebay.

I'm suspicious that, this time around, the scalping industry had enough capitol to buy out the entire market of cards - including last gen. They become more powerful every time a big product launch or concert makes people lose their minds and forget the value of money.

It sucks for freelance workers and small businesses who have to buy retail GPUs to do their jobs, but for everybody else? Just ignore it. You don't need these GPUs. You won't die if you play a game at 1080p60 Medium instead of 4k144 Ultra, you probably won't even notice that much of a difference.
You're not a professional gamer nor streamer, and constantly chasing bleeding-edge gear is not going to change that.

Use what you have, buy a gaming laptop, or just find another way to entertain yourself. Maybe cards will get cheaper, or maybe they won't. You're not missing out, so don't worry about it. Every other PC gamer is in the same boat as you, including a lot of the more interesting developers.
The amount of people that play in 4k is tiny according to steam charts. Tiny.

I wont pay scalpers that kind of money even if i had enough to throw around like its trash. It is the principle of the matter that concerns me. They are ripping you off.

I have no issues with staying on my 3060 12GB till supplies are at a point where MSRP or near MSRP will be reached. There will come a point where most people have a new card and stuff starts appearing in stores en mass. When stock levels are higher than sales then prices will come down. It is simple economics.
Stop blaming the mythical "scalpers" for the shortages.
I will agree with you on that point. Remove reselling the product at inflated prices and you would still have shortages. There isn't enough product to meet the demand. That said I refuse to pay inflated pricing so i'll patiently wait for MSRP or below pricing.
"Note that major retailers or manufacturers don’t sell these items; instead, they’re offered by third-party shops with an online storefront on the e-commerce platform." Yes, but this overlooks the fact that Amazon and others charge a fee to sellers. For Amazon it is an 8% "referral fee." See (Assuming GPU's fall under Computers or Consumer Electronics.) So, Amazon makes money selling the card to the scalper's bot, then again when the scalper scalps the card on Amazon.

So, what motivation does Amazon, Best Buy, New Egg, etc. have to stop people from buying cards from them and scalping them on their platforms?
I will agree with you on that point. Remove reselling the product at inflated prices and you would still have shortages. There isn't enough product to meet the demand. That said I refuse to pay inflated pricing so i'll patiently wait for MSRP or below pricing.
But most are sold above MSRP even when demand is good. Of course, you are getting "value adds" for that increased price, e.g., overclock, RGB bling, White (white always costs more due to the pigment - yes white is generally a more expensive pigment for plastics), bigger heatsinks, etc.

I am not expressing an opinion on if those "value adds" are worth the upcharge. Rather, I am stating that it is common practice for brands to add features and charge for them. The MSRP models are generally the base / entry level models - e.g., Asus Prime / Evo. Accordingly, I am curious if you will pay above MSRP for the high tier models, or if you just stick to the entry levels tiers from each manufacturer/
But most are sold above MSRP even when demand is good. Of course, you are getting "value adds" for that increased price, e.g., overclock, RGB bling, White (white always costs more due to the pigment - yes white is generally a more expensive pigment for plastics), bigger heatsinks, etc.

I am not expressing an opinion on if those "value adds" are worth the upcharge. Rather, I am stating that it is common practice for brands to add features and charge for them. The MSRP models are generally the base / entry level models - e.g., Asus Prime / Evo. Accordingly, I am curious if you will pay above MSRP for the high tier models, or if you just stick to the entry levels tiers from each manufacturer/
It doesn't matter because if people would quit buying over MSRP, demand would drop and prices would drop as well. It's supply and demand 101. We are in a FOMO culture that keeps the inflated prices going whether from the actual retailer or a reseller.

And honestly yesterday, I fell for that myself when Amazon was selling an overclocked XFX 9070 XT for $850. I ordered then decided to cancel.
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Stop blaming the mythical "scalpers" for the shortages. Thanks to them, at least you can still buy the GPU if you really need it. For its true market price of course. If not for them, there would be no GPUs available at all, at any price.

Without them you could still buy one at retail pricing... They don't magically make supply go up, the make supply go down at retail prices
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It doesn't matter because if people would quit buying over MSRP, demand would drop and prices would drop as well. It's supply and demand 101. We are in a FOMO culture that keeps the inflated prices going whether from the actual retailer or a reseller.

And honestly yesterday, I fell for that myself when Amazon was selling an overclocked XFX 9070 XT for $850. I ordered then decided to cancel.
I am not talking about FOMO. I am also not disputing supply and demand.

What I was asking, is whether or not you consider the RGB, white, or the other upgrades worth the upcharge? It is like a buying a car. Yes, you can buy the base model - but who does that? Most people want the heated seats, better audio system, etc. So, they pay more to get the option package they want.

Why cannot the same be true for GPUs? Someone wants a white build, so they pay more for a white card. Maybe you want a cute them build and pay the upcharge the Yeston design. Is it wrong for companies to charge above MSRP when they add more to the product - design effort or more expensive materials? (And yes, white plastics do cost more to source.)
Time will come when scalping becomes an industry that it gets noticed by the govt or lawmakers. Scalping right now is a thing that is just frowned upon. Hope some politician gets hit and affected, and motivates a law to pass that makes it illegal.
Lol to the one that said scalpers are traders, you're resellers at least. Scalpers at best.
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I am not talking about FOMO. I am also not disputing supply and demand.

What I was asking, is whether or not you consider the RGB, white, or the other upgrades worth the upcharge? It is like a buying a car. Yes, you can buy the base model - but who does that? Most people want the heated seats, better audio system, etc. So, they pay more to get the option package they want.

Why cannot the same be true for GPUs? Someone wants a white build, so they pay more for a white card. Maybe you want a cute them build and pay the upcharge the Yeston design. Is it wrong for companies to charge above MSRP when they add more to the product - design effort or more expensive materials? (And yes, white plastics do cost more to source.)
My apologizes, no I don't think it is worth it. Now if I was building a PC gaming rig on a color theme, then I might consider it if I was hard pressed. Though, i'm not that big on RGB lighting etc and the overclocking the GPU doesn't really add any value. If anything it takes away from the value so I stick with the vanilla versions. The only way I would consider a performance card is if it had more VRAM and a much higher level of performance vs the vanilla version. EVGA cards would be the exception because Kingpin helped design the faster cards when he worked at EVGA.

I wish he went to work for either Intel or AMD. He has hinted he's going to work with another AIB company.
Time will come when scalping becomes an industry that it gets noticed by the govt or lawmakers. Scalping right now is a thing that is just frowned upon. Hope some politician gets hit and affected, and motivates a law to pass that makes it illegal.
Lol to the one that said scalpers are traders, you're resellers at least. Scalpers at best.
I just read your comment as I posted mine. I don't ever see it as being illegal as long as there are two willing participants. People just need to show restraint and not buy products from resellers with inflated pricing. That's how this stuff all comes to an end !
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If people would stop buying from scalpers it would make it difficult for them to turn a profit and therefore they would no longer be doing it. The longer people that play into this "i need that item now no matter the cost" are only giving these scalpers more opportunities. Cut them off and then prices will go down and there will be more availability. Like when are people going to understand this?
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I just read your comment as I posted mine. I don't ever see it as being illegal as long as there are two willing participants. People just need to show restraint and not buy products from resellers with inflated pricing. That's how this stuff all comes to an end !
I absolutely agree, although it should be made illegal as no one should be able to make 100% or more profit from any item one the reseller market. People really just need to stop throwing there money away to these scammers and wait till more availability is there.