AMD's FX-8150 After Two Windows 7 Hotfixes And UEFI Updates

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Far be it from me to star throwing the "C" word into this mix, but I can't help but think there is a propensity for the remnants of the 'coding games' old that may be partly to blame still. I can't help but think that Intel still holds unslacking tight reigns on the programming community that is basically causation for AMD's inability to show a processor with the same 'oomph' it did 8-10 years ago.

After that little stint I'm sure Intel would virtually do anything to keep a repeat performance from happening & given their lackluster line-up of product now who's to say I'm that far off. Nvidia, AMD & other manufacturers have walked out on symposiums in the past with regards to code being blindingly favorable to Intel, despite their spin/lies to whitewash the obvious. Not to mention the given financial climate & an an almost obvious indicator that it's still a slow up-hill battle toward 'fixed'; competition being a 'cut throat' affair is certainly more descriptive than it is understated.
[citation][nom]onetoomanypcs[/nom]I love mine so far. Can encode a video, download a 4GB file all while playing BF3 Online at 60FPS. (running 8120, two 6850's, 990FXA Board and 16GB RAM), cannot do that on my 2600k, let alone my 2500k. Well I can, but not as efficiently, in fact I get mystery packet drops ( super ping spikes) online when trying to run two heavy tasks on my SB rigs. As for regular everyday single tasking uses.. the difference is small, too small to really notice, and far too small to really care. I have a feeling as games use heavier threading we will see more of what BD has to offer. I do not regret my purchases (6100 and 8120) one bit. In fact the 8120 has moved to top spot on the projector for gaming, with the 2600k back in the office. I almost forgot to mention the near obscene overclocking abilities of this chip (5.0Ghz ON AIR)[/citation]

Hi, Im building a workstation using similar hardware to you, fx 8120, msi 990fxa 6d80, zotek gxt580 3gb and 16 gb ram. My knowledge of hardware is limited, but Ive seen in here and other sites that the fx 8120 needs high frequency ram. At the moment my due to my budget Ive gone for team elite ddr3 8gb(1333 mhz) x 2. Do you think this will negatively impact functionality? Ill be running win7, 3ds max, sketchup, cryengine, photoshop etc...
Was glad to see a fallow up after patching, to all the people ripping on AMD I remind them that this is still first Gen. architecture and that we can expect to see a 20-30% performance jump with their 2nd gen which is due this year.

There was defiantly a lot of hype for the Bulldozer, but I think we still have a lot of potential left in the Fx-9 Architecture.
Dirt 3, Metro, StarCraft...Really?

Get over it already, who ever bought this CPU for PC games is out of their mind and who ever tests them in games is an idiot.
One of the processors that the Bulldozer was designed on was the AMD 29k, it was the RISC architecture that AMD put out in the late 90's. This was in almost every number crunching supercomputer to Apple Computers. Yes TSUNAMI architecture used by IBM and Motorola in Power PC chip design is based off of the original DEC Alpha design. Technically these chips are only quad cores with hyper-threading. This is what is refered to by AMD as Modular processing, but the video lanes that the boards support are insane. I can run 5 monitors using an AMD platform. Im not saying they are better, but as we all know different hardware different situations. I like to game on my 60" Samsung LED smart TV's or watch a movie on one and play a game on the 4 small 22's. I also love my friends i5 when I am rendering video but as far as cost I built my bulldozer fx6100 for around 450 bucks with a gigabyte main board 970 chip-set, ATI 7770 saphire card, 8 GB of ram ect.. The machine works great for what I put into it. for that price I would get a board and an i5 2500k right around 400 425. The cost for performance is insane, but the speed is not. This chip was designed to be tortured period these chips work like no other on Ubuntu x64 11.04 or BSD Unix. Lets face reality though we wont find a mainstream Linux game for a while, or custom apps for our servers. It is not mainstream, this chip is good and im happy with what I paid for. I do believe that Microsoft will fix a lot of the software issues with this chip. For many of you we all know the times when each server company sold a different copy of software for their server and not the other-guys. Also we have this not for the Intel Itanium Processors with server 2008 x64 Itanium edition and for the old school guys HP Compaq Open VMS Unix. The grass is always greener on the other side I remember the P3 days when Everyone was Intel Intel Intel then AMD Broke the 1 GHz clock then it was AMD, AMD, AMD. times and tides change AMD has something up their sleeve. For their sake I hope soon. A nice note is this I was always tought to improve on what you have and never take steps backwards. Intel did three times with the P4 Dolthan and Net burst and the Atom cpu. Both of these products are crap with intel names on them come on the p4 mobile was out and manufacturers used the p3 mobile because a 1 GHz Tualatin core was faster than a 2.0 GHz Willamette. And don't get me started on the Atom processor with its laggy self. I have yet to buy a high-end AMD product that was a step back. Maybe not a leap forward but never a step back. PS: were not talking about the Semptron or the Celeron they are the bastard chips of both families and we will keep them in the basement where they belong.
I for one am really sick and tired of non-educated Intel fan boys shooting off their mouths on things they don't really understand. Yes, in the single threaded environment, which is what most games are at the moment, intel out performs the BD. To say its not a full 8 core just tells me you are not paying attention, and/or, you simply don't have a clue what you are saying.

BD is a full 8 core, however its architecture is designed in an odd way. Instead of 8 cores just sitting there idle, waiting for windows to toss them threads, they sit paired in what is called a module. That does not mean its not a full 8 core, it simply means the cores are paired up to share the work load on each thread. Even after the patches to win7, there is no real comparison because windows is still throwing threads across the cores instead of across the modules which in turn is causing bad IPC.

Don't get me wrong, i am not trying to say that BD is better than intel because its not, however it is also not as bad as it seems. For people like me, id rather spend a few hundred less on a CPU that i have to overclock the crap out of to get game performance, then to actually blow more money on intel hardware.

The BD is a sadly missunderstood chip, its not really meant for gaming, but that does not mean it wont play games, it just wont play them as well as intel.

I do also agree that AMD has made some really bad decisions lately. Its as if they stopped competing with intel in the categories we are all looking at. They improved multi-tasking and power consumption, but for us gamers, that is not what we care about.

If you want a good gaming chip, and you have the cash, i agree that at the moment, intel is the way to go, but fan boys of intel, really... stop spreading bull crap about things you dont really understand.
[citation][nom]madoverlord37[/nom]I for one am really sick and tired...[/citation]Thanks for that! Nobody at Tom's has been letting this rest either, AMD's market position is frequently on the editor's minds. In fact, there's a new article covering this same subject that's been sitting idle for a few weeks as the chief editor considers better ways of addressing these issues.
[citation][nom]madoverlord37[/nom]I for one am really sick and tired of non-educated Intel fan boys shooting off their mouths on things they don't really understand. Yes, in the single threaded environment, which is what most games are at the moment, intel out performs the BD. [/citation]

Unless the multithreaded workflow is floating-point work, in which case it tends to not do much better than an Intel CPU.
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