AMD's Liquid VR Puts Processing Muscle Behind Virtual Reality

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Seems very cool. If you ever have gone to Disney World and went onto the Carousel of Progress, the very last one is supposed to be what the future will be like. Much of the stuff is already here now (the ride needs updated, it's been about 15 years probably). For instance, the woman spoke to her stove which set the temperature, and in the background a kid was playing a space shooting video game with real-time glasses on his face that captured his motions. It reminds me so much of this and how we are advancing.
Much more awesome to build out a room with the dedicated purpose of gaming. 4 projectors. 1 in front, 1 to the left, 1 to the right, and 1 to the ceiling. Program the shader to have 4 cameras in each of those directions, and... project the world to your room. The cooler thing is that this is already possible with a single AMD GPU.
Something strange happened to AMD lately, they started to devleop not just hardware but a way to use it efficiently.
nono guys you are not looking a head,
a gaming corner with full vr for me is

a flexible overlay material as screen that covers all surfaces of your gaming room and has sensors to see you, your 3d image and it's changes (movement) and display everything in perspective. Now this is what it will become in some decades and thats the really ahead of time thinking. no glasses and stuff, just you and the room.

Until then, i think the previous step than this wil lbe glasses that are getting rendered video from cloud computing (the real cloud as definition, supercomputers with extreme graphic capabilities that will stream to YOUR glasses and others's what you would be seeing).
to beetlejuicegr, well if you want to take stakes higher we could always look forward to the tech shown in Sword Art Online. And there're some researches for this kind of technology, it is developing for years already but it won't come to SAO level of tech for quite a while. And room made of screens is to expensive and troublesome.
As far as I know AMD has had superior hardware level support for 3D displays for a long time. They are probably exposing that via this library with some extras to a certain degree.

3D as in stereoscopic 3D?

Stereoscopic support yes. I cannot remember exactly, but I think they have dual frame buffers at the hardware level or something like that. Not sure if it applies at all. But I thought it was nifty at the time I read it.


i don't know i think i read somewhere that AMD says 3D was gimmick because of the adoption was considered as fail.

while nvidia solution was proprietary they will provide the drivers themselves and will try to make every game able to work with 3D. for AMD solution i still remember that the driver will be provided by monitor maker instead of with the reason to foster competition among monitor maker. the only game that i can remember having native AMD 3D support was Deus EX HR. sounds nice letting the monitor maker compete among themselves but what happen if one of those company goes puff or no longer provide updates for future games?
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