AMD's March Radeon Crimson ReLive Update Is Ready For ‘Mass Effect’

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Doesnt work. My guess is that Bioware has to push out some patch, because RenderDevice.AmdCrossfireenable does not exist in the executable console commands, and putting it in the Origin Advanced Launch Options box doesnt work either (obviously with a dash at the beginning and a 1 at the end).

In either case, as of now, these drivers dont do anything---but the CFX profile for Andromeda IS there--you can find it under the "use amd pre-defined profile". Just apparently no way to enable it in the game as of right now.
so AMD still hasnt fixed the Multi GPU support for BF1? or that a developer issue. I still get terrible FPS loss. flickering and white boxes where reflections should be. Running rx480's in a xfire setup. i was waiting to get the immense boost like BF4...but alas i have to disable crossfire just to play that one game....that i play all the time.
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