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And BTW, the 8-pin allows you max. 150 Watts due two additional ground wires.
The official PCI-SIG spec says that. The Molex spec on the other hand says that the 6-pin connector is fine up to 9A per standard pin and 13A for high-current variants, which are about 300W and 450W respectively.
The PCIe spec is being extremely conservative by specifying a current that's only 1/4 of what the connector's lower-end spec is actually capable of. The two extra grounds on the 8-pins connector don't really add much in terms of useful current-carrying capacity since up to two of them may be wasted on connector identification anyway.
The idea behind the standards of the PCI SIG is, that the connector isn't delivering pure DC, but a kind of HF current with extreme and fast load level changes (up to 100 KHz). We also tested it internaly with a good lab PSU and resistors - no problem. But the temperatures are going up, if you are using pulsing current, especially on older, used plugs and sockets. The second fact is, that nobody knows, which cable quality is used on the PSU side. AWG 16, 18 or 20? In the case of AWG 20 and two wires I wish you a lot of fun and a good weather if you make the same test
The discussion about industrial standards us useless. And AMD has never requested a PCI logo and the PCIE SIG also said, that this card will not pass the certification with this current specs.