AMD's Radeon 300-Series Desktop GPUs Feature HBM Memory; M300 Teased, Too

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fudzilla keeps claiming amd has found a way to stack twice as much HBM gen 1 memory with something called a "dual interposer".

It is possible. Remember not just 5 years ago we were talking about the possibility of a GPU being on the same die as the CPU as if it were science fiction.

I wouldn't mind it to be true. 8GB of HBM would be pretty nice of a jump for me from my 3GB HD7970GHz.
Yada yada yada... benchmarks!!

Far too many people get hung up on a architecture, bandwidth without knowing what they're talking about.

If my memory was made out of little TROLLS juggling cats that's fine with me provided there's some tangible benefit.

Saving a bit of power is nice, however don't think more BANDWIDTH suddenly means the card is better than the competitions. Very few cards are designed with insufficient bandwidth. Since GPU's are getting faster we need new ways to increase bandwidth (including compression) but this is just par for the course.

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