artk2219 :
... I think you've just got some way crazy expectations from a company that very recently was just fighting for its life.
I got news for you. AMD has always been fighting for its life. My first PC back in 1989 had an AMD 286 for crying out loud. But AMD has always provided a price advantage justification to mitigate any risk it might have imposed. If you can recall the K5 was a disaster, and Bulldozer/Piledriver was just its latest disaster. And AMD had some good ones like the K6 socket7 and socket939 Athlon64 stuff. But thru the years they, as much as they like to make claims about their gaming creds, NOT once until ryzen did they try to pass off a server chip as a gaming chip, trying to deliberately mislead gamers with completely gaming unrelated benchmarks and marketing campaign of bait and switch, and still had the gall to price higher than intel while lying bald face to rest of us! We are NOT fools, this will NOT fool us.
Recall when the K7 socketA were a bit behind on performance compared to the P3, the T-Birds and Bartons were so much cheaper than the Intel P3, that it was no brainer to with AMD, and that is when you can make the argument stand based on "within 10% clock for clock of a chip that costs double its price". But Ryzen does NOT do that across the board for any of the Ryzen chip. It fails by a whopping %30 on single cores performance almost just as badly as bulldozer/piledriver crap did vs core i3/5/7. So down the line, you can expect the ryzen to bottleneck you video card far sooner than the your skylake/kabylake, just like that crappy FX-8320 did to my GTX970. BTW that hijacking of the FX label totally destroyed whatever gaming creds they had built up.
So my expectations are fully justified, what is crazy is to expect us to swallow AMD marketing crap. Grow a spine, challenge their BS.