I would say there's still a decent variety of new game types coming out. For example, just in the last few years, we've seen the emergence of battle royale games, with a variety of different takes on the formula being experimented with. And the VR format changes gaming experiences quite a bit, even if it hasn't quite become mainstream yet. A lot of interesting things have been getting done in lower-budget titles from smaller developers over the last decade or so as well. Certainly, some big game series fall into a habit of rehashing the same formula over and over, but there's still of good amount of new concepts coming out as well.
Still all boring. Battle royal style have been out for ages in one form or another. I yearn for the old days of well designed narratives and new concepts. It is all about rehashing now. Mech warrior did giant bots, quake and UT did Death match FPS is done to death. I played a few recentish games 4-5 years old, and it was fun for a while, but it got boring fast. Still the same repetition rather than have extended play concepts. I loved games like X3, where massive trades could be done, but in the end, the enemy fights the same and people just use the same tactics over and over again.
Games now focusing on Graphics too much now. WG tried a rehash of Master of Orion, but failed to make their game good like the old MOO2. Their World of Tanks was fun for a while, but the emergence of too many Noobies made the game get old fast and rather than the old epic battles, its now turned to a he who has the bigest noobs most often looses.
Multiplayer used to be down to Decent players, but now the Kiddies are playing everything when playig team games, the games get more stale more quickly. The refusal of WG and other game makers to base team games on ability rather than just random matches, ruins the experience too.
Then you have so many players that just play casual, while others try a more serious approach.
New concepts are just cosmetic, Ive been playing games on PC since 1997 and am not impressed with the current line of crap. Crysis for example uses concepts from deus ex (original) etc. So for me, your point of new titles being original, is not something i see at all. It is just ideas stolen and rehashed.