"Make no mistake, AMD is making money on Ryzen but they could sell there CPUs for 30 percent more and they would still sell well "
I think that since the Bulldozer line and AMD forced to stick with 28nm process CPUs so long, that the closer you get in price to the equivalent Intel CPU, most people (especially those tasked with building corporate systems with other people's money) are going to play it safe and stick with Intel. AMD probably had experts analyze the ideal price point for their new revolutionary architecture, and then, if they can keep up with Intel watt/performance (or surpass slightly) for the future---THEN they might be able to afford to push their prices closer to what Intel is (over)charging for their CPUs.
However wrong it may be, AMDs consumer-level CPUs have the "cheap option" stigma to get over based on the overall disappointment that was BD/SR/PD/etc. Generally when John Q. Public goes into the local best buy, the cheaper laptops/computers there tend to be more AMD than Intel, and the high end is Intel. Ryzen has as good a chance as any to change that perception---although even when AMD was beating the pants off of Intel in value/performance (K7, early K8 and their variants vs P4) , it doesnt help if you cant keep that going for your future products.