Founded in Genocide and Built by Slavery.
I quoted this deleted message to make a point. The above thinking is something that is frequently espoused by some members of the statist New Left such as the president and it is the main reason that we haven't moved beyond the 1950s in terms of race relations. They want to fundamentally remake the country into a Marxist "worker's paradise" and are using racism and sexism as the main driving reasons because the original economic reasons have played out very poorly in other countries (and also run counter to the rugged individualism capitalism and personal freedom that founded this country.) So they continually inflame race relations and play identity politics. That may be good for getting them re-elected but it has been certainly harming race relations amongst the populace (I would say "citizens" but we're closed to "subjects" at this point, and a good chunk of the U.S. population are not even citizens.) You have every non-Caucasian group except for Asians being treated as victims and Caucasians and Asians are being forced to pay for it due to "historical trauma." Asians have actually been heavily discriminated against in the U.S. with the Chinese Exclusion Acts and the forcing of over 100,000 Japanese during WWII into concentration camps by the executive order of Socialist-Democrat-in-Chief Franklin Delano Roosevelt. But they are
successful so they can't be victims. However we can't even discuss provable statistics that may reflect unfavorably on the other groups such as less educational attainment despite the heavy use of institutionalized racism in their favor ("affirmative action"), crime rates, and out-of-wedlock births just to name a few, so that any improvement on these problems can be obtained. The evil white or Asian man must always be at fault no matter what.
There were some ugly and wrong things done in the past. There are some ugly and wrong things done today as well. Two wrongs do NOT make a right despite the psuedo-karma rationale the self-serving statists have broadcasted all over the land on their bought-and-paid-for media outlets. We'll never move beyond this until we restore the Constitutionally-mandated
limited government and large amount of personal freedom that this country was founded on and get rid of the race-baiting and pandering. Once we do that people will get along pretty well as a general rule as we are pretty heterogeneous and people as individuals largely do tend to be friendly to "different" individuals once they are familiar with them. It's the sanctioned hatred toward the nameless and faceless "other" that gets people all riled up that we need to get rid of.