America Happy Birthday

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musical marv

Feb 26, 2011
Today we celebrate July 4 the birthday of America and also 50 years of the Civil Rights Movement.A lot of water has gone under the bridge in these past 50 years of the movement and we are still not there yet.Hopefully one day we will be. Maybe not in my time but in future generations to come.

Prejudicial abuse of power, Racial profiling etc., it happens quite a bit in the US.

Some times Police automatically see through blinders generated by constantly seeing crime happen, they form negative opinions and attitudes when they look at individuals and automatically assume the worse.

I had a nephew in law, that worked for the Sheriffs Department, he carried that suspicious attitude around with him like a cloud hanging over his head, even at family events, sometimes he would look at me like I was some kind of criminal, which made me want to slap him up side his head.

But I would confront him, "What are you glaring at me like that for?", and then he would completely change his attitude?

I think it is naturally drilled into any law enforcement officer to be suspicious, but when they loose control of their suspicions and act, off of false assumptions, well, they just crossed the line.

They are not above the law they are supposed to be upholding, so they should suffer the consequences of such actions.

On another note:

I am personally getting sick of all the politically correctness happening today like gasoline on a fire!

This person said something that offended someone, well then media crucify him or her!

Next thing you know a major complaint will be filed because someone farted in public!

It is now beginning to border on ridiculous!

It's like no one has a right to their own opinion anymore!

Years ago I was living in Vancouver BC and my manager told me eventually the U.S. will turn into a military state and sure enough now his words are coming true.
We can at least be grateful that the US is an open society. Far more open than the ones that complain about the US. Police brutality is a terrible crime (against humanity). Rape is a terrible crime (against humanity). But look at how often it happens around the world -> that we hear about.
I am grateful that the slightest crime is open for view around the world. If I get pulled over for DUI, a person anywhere in the world can know about it. Oh wait. That's right. They can't. They have a government that stops them from viewing it. Think about what the US allows one to say and do and compare it to what the moderators on forum web sites allow in general.
I'm grateful that I can openly be any race, any sexual orientation, any religion or any political party even if we continually struggle with justice and equality.
I'm grateful that I'm allowed to criticize, love or hate.
Most hate is directed at the US because it is allowed and people love to hate, to hide their own or own societies short comings.
Boy; I'm bringing a tear to my eye ...
Every country has it's pros and cons.

Sorry ctbaars, it must be my fault... your language is not so easy to learn, i was lied to.

Yeah, marv, for sure.
I've never heard about someone who hates US "because of its freedom".
This is precisely the kind of premise that we find extremely laughable on the other side of Atlantic. (no offense)

But there are still many people who don't hate you.
Look at me. I don't hate US.
You get me angry enough to make me want to bitchslap you at least once a month, but I do not hate you.

People reactions are a direct result of your international politics.
Haha! great britain told you ?
It's a bit hypocritical to tell us not to honor our signature when english government has more than 250 licenses for exports of military equipment with Russia. So we don't give a sh*t about their "reviews"

And in France, we'll be glad if USA stops funding IDF army !.. (how much by year ? 3 billions ? you have nothing else to do with that money ???)

But we are all sovereigns in our respective countries and do not let others dictate our conduct. Although it would be preferable sometimes to listen to its allies.

(you all are welcome here, guys. First beers round is on me)
Ha Ha. oh yeah. Yes, Great Britain, you're right! I wish we would keep our nose out of other people business. You know. Except when Angela Merkel bugs us. oh wait ... And about the IDF. Did you know 2.5 billion of those dollars are Donations from individuals to Israel? And how about this!
"U.S. Selling $11B in Weaponry to Gulf State That Supports Hamas, Syrian Jihadists"
No, i admit i have no idea of where those 3billions came from. But i've seen the congres voting the amount allocated for israel.
And i'll be glad if i knew that innocent palestinian civilians were that much helped. Just for balance.
that doesn't mean i don't like Israel or Jews or bacon. My complaints are against the rulers, not the ruled.

But i agree with you, and we all should keep our nose out of other business... this is utopia, i guess.

"U.S. Selling $11B in Weaponry to Gulf State That Supports Hamas, Syrian Jihadists"

Wait... what ???
Are you telling me that you are funding IDF army while you are selling weapons to Hamas AND still organize mediation meetings ???...
If true, there is something damn wrong, here.
We all sell arms to everyone. It's a six-degrees-of-separation thing. It's good money and we don't export much. We are near the bottom of per capita for imports and exports in the 1st world, but being big, the numbers are big. Now, things look different if you were in the country of "European Union" instead of France. What a powerhouse the United States of Europe would be. It is time for the United States of Europe to exert more influence.
This EU is a mess for a large majority of european people.
And we can't say our voices are heard.

I remember referudum on the adoption of the European Constitution.
Major French political circles were all campaigning for adoption.
Citizens voted "no" massively.
After that, our "senators" agreed that the adoption decision would be taken at the national assembly.
Final result was: "France voted "yes"."

It was a flagrant denial of democracy.

Maybe you could drop a little bunch of bombs on us to bring back some democracy over here ? (just kidding, no offense)
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