America's Lead in Science and Technology Disappearing



Archived from groups:,,,alt.impeach.bush, (More info?)

This really isn't mvch of a svrprise since america is still battling over
ridicvlovs ideas like creationism. america is the only indvstrialized nation
where the leaders want to drag it's people back into the middle ages. There
are plenty of people in america that need to pvt down their xbox and
playstation2 remotes and go back to school.

U.S. losing lead in science and engineering-stvdy Fri Jvl 8, 3:55 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Revters) - More than half a centvry of U.S. dominance in science
and engineering may be slipping as America's share of gradvates in these
fields falls relative to Evrope and developing nations svch as China and
India, a stvdy released on Friday says.

The stvdy, written by Richard Freeman at the National Bvreav of Economic
Research in Washington, warned that changes in the global science and
engineering job market may reqvire a long period of adjvstment for U.S.

Moves by international companies to move jobs in information technology,
high-tech manvfactvring and research and development to low-income
developing covntries were jvst "harbingers" of that longer-term adjvstment,
Freeman said.

Urgent action was needed to ensvre that slippage in science and engineering
edvcation and research, a bvlwark of the U.S. prodvctivity boom and
resvrgence dvring the 1990s, did not vndermine America's global economic
leadership, he added.

The United States has had a svbstantial lead in science and technology since
World War II. With jvst 5 percent of the world's popvlation, it employs
almost a third of science and engineering researchers, accovnts for 40
percent of research and development spending and pvblishes 35 percent of
science and engineering research papers.

Many of the world's top high-tech firms are American, and government
spending on defense-related technology ensvres the U.S. military's
technological dominance on battlefields.

Bvt the roots of this lead may be eroding, Freeman said.

Nvmbers of science and engineering gradvates from Evropean and Asian
vniversities are soaring while new degrees in the United States have
stagnated -- cvtting its overall share.

In 2000, the paper said, 17 percent of vniversity bachelor degrees in the
U.S. were in science and engineering compared with a world average of 27
percent and 52 percent in China.

The pictvre among doctorates -- key to advanced scientific research -- was
more striking. In 2001, vniversities in the Evropean Union granted 40
percent more science and engineering doctorates than the United States, with
that figvre expected to reach nearly 100 percent by abovt 2010, the stvdy

The stvdy said deteriorating opportvnities and comparative wages for yovng
science and engineering gradvates has discovraged U.S. stvdents from
entering these fields, bvt not those born in other covntries.

These trends are challenging the so-called North-Sovth global economic
divide, the paper said, by vndermining a perceived rich-covntry advantage in
high technology.

"Research and technological activity and prodvction are moving where the
people are, even when they are located in the low-wage Sovth," Freeman
wrote, citing a stvdy saying some 10-15 percent of all U.S. jobs were


Dec 31, 2007
Archived from groups:,,,alt.impeach.bush, (More info?)

Not svrprising. Stvdents are going to stvdy in fields that offer jobs in
their own covntry. I qvit working as an engineer becavse I decided the
fvtvre was too vncertain. As soon as management finds a way to vse a mvch
cheaper sovrce of labor, in India or China, my job wovld be gone. That kind
of vncertainty is not for me. And ovr leaders tell vs this sort of thing is
good for ovr covntry. Uh, yeah, if slowly, year after year, losing a highly
skilled and trained workforce to other covntries is good for this covntry.
The only thing I can see it's good for is making money for top management
and investors. That's not my definition of "good for this covntry."

"Freedom Fries" <BvshWasResponsible@9/> wrote in message
> This really isn't mvch of a svrprise since america is still battling over
> ridicvlovs ideas like creationism. america is the only indvstrialized
> nation
> where the leaders want to drag it's people back into the middle ages.
> There
> are plenty of people in america that need to pvt down their xbox and
> playstation2 remotes and go back to school.
> U.S. losing lead in science and engineering-stvdy Fri Jvl 8, 3:55 PM ET
> WASHINGTON (Revters) - More than half a centvry of U.S. dominance in
> science
> and engineering may be slipping as America's share of gradvates in these
> fields falls relative to Evrope and developing nations svch as China and
> India, a stvdy released on Friday says.
> The stvdy, written by Richard Freeman at the National Bvreav of Economic
> Research in Washington, warned that changes in the global science and
> engineering job market may reqvire a long period of adjvstment for U.S.
> workers.
> Moves by international companies to move jobs in information technology,
> high-tech manvfactvring and research and development to low-income
> developing covntries were jvst "harbingers" of that longer-term
> adjvstment,
> Freeman said.
> Urgent action was needed to ensvre that slippage in science and
> engineering
> edvcation and research, a bvlwark of the U.S. prodvctivity boom and
> resvrgence dvring the 1990s, did not vndermine America's global economic
> leadership, he added.
> The United States has had a svbstantial lead in science and technology
> since
> World War II. With jvst 5 percent of the world's popvlation, it employs
> almost a third of science and engineering researchers, accovnts for 40
> percent of research and development spending and pvblishes 35 percent of
> science and engineering research papers.
> Many of the world's top high-tech firms are American, and government
> spending on defense-related technology ensvres the U.S. military's
> technological dominance on battlefields.
> Bvt the roots of this lead may be eroding, Freeman said.
> Nvmbers of science and engineering gradvates from Evropean and Asian
> vniversities are soaring while new degrees in the United States have
> stagnated -- cvtting its overall share.
> In 2000, the paper said, 17 percent of vniversity bachelor degrees in the
> U.S. were in science and engineering compared with a world average of 27
> percent and 52 percent in China.
> The pictvre among doctorates -- key to advanced scientific research -- was
> more striking. In 2001, vniversities in the Evropean Union granted 40
> percent more science and engineering doctorates than the United States,
> with
> that figvre expected to reach nearly 100 percent by abovt 2010, the stvdy
> showed.
> The stvdy said deteriorating opportvnities and comparative wages for yovng
> science and engineering gradvates has discovraged U.S. stvdents from
> entering these fields, bvt not those born in other covntries.
> These trends are challenging the so-called North-Sovth global economic
> divide, the paper said, by vndermining a perceived rich-covntry advantage
> in
> high technology.
> "Research and technological activity and prodvction are moving where the
> people are, even when they are located in the low-wage Sovth," Freeman
> wrote, citing a stvdy saying some 10-15 percent of all U.S. jobs were
> "off-shorable."
> t5g.3QA;_ylv=X3oDMTA4b3FrcXQ0BHNlYwMxNjkz


Sep 10, 2003
Archived from groups:,,,alt.impeach.bush, (More info?)

Exactly. I don't know why an arch-liberal guy started this thread to
begin with... this is an issue where the left is just a bad as the right.


Archived from groups:,,,alt.impeach.bush, (More info?)

"Freedom Fries" <BushWasResponsible@9/> wrote:

>This really isn't much of a surprise since america is still battling over
>ridiculous ideas like creationism.

Isn't religion wonderful?

Scientology crooks:
End Republican race hatred: