Ample power, insufficient outputs for sli 770


Oct 17, 2016
I have a 1200w power case psu that came with my build. As far as i can tell its more than enough to sli 2 gtx 770. However it only has 2 female molex jacks and no extra pci. Ive read that using 2 molex to pci adapters is inadvisable and even less so if i use splitters. Is there anything i can do or do i just have to suck it up and buy a new, less terrible psu?

You should read about memory and SLI. You don't get more RAM in SLI, it does not act like 4 GB of video ram if you have two 2 GB cards.
"or do i just have to suck it up and buy a new, less terrible psu? "

As bad as it may seem, that is indeed the best course of action. It almost never pays off to try and jimmy-rig a PSU into working in a way it wasn't intended.
Thats unfortunate. I can't wrap my head around having such a big psu with no capacity to use it.
I have an old broken down 500w antec psu with 6 molex jacks. Thanks for responding mate. I appreciate it.
You're most welcome.

If you need to be pointed in the direction of a good PSU to support your rig post your full specs in a new thread and the folks here will be happy to help throw out a few solid suggestions for you to mull over.
If you did not already purchase the second card and power supply, just get a single GTX 1070 and sell your existing video card. No need for new power supply, you have a current gen video card, less power draw on the house, same speed, no messy SLI performance in games that don't handle SLI well.

The second 770 is a hand-me-down from my brother. The cost of the sli bridge was $5 so substantially cheaper than a 1070. At some point ill get a new card but in the meantime i am just looking to squeeze out a few more gigs of vram on the cheap.


You should read about memory and SLI. You don't get more RAM in SLI, it does not act like 4 GB of video ram if you have two 2 GB cards.