An Argument from Ignorance?

The Author of that article believes in a conspiracy theory that Americans believe in conspiracy theory's, although the thing about "a new world order" has been spewed out infront of Americans for a long time, it should be fact by now. Lol.
Considering the off-the-wall items were all within the margin of that 14-15% of people answering as a joke/serious.. but when you get into the more realistic parts the numbers greatly vary where more accurate information was gained.

Roswell was a Russian Spy Jet that crashed which is why there was such a big cover up on it. Russians were far more advanced than the US in aircraft... but after that crash, we took leaps and bounds ahead in aircraft technology, along with inventing a few additional items within a few years after that.
The thing about any conspiracy theory is that it contains just enough truth to be believable.

Whether it's possible or probable is not a consideration.

Me personally, I am not surprised by any man's desire to hold onto power and gain wealth.

History is wrought with one man's destruction of his fellow man. Just because we are in this modern age does not make us more enlightened and humane.
I don't think he wants power... I think he wants money. He is selectively enforcing things that will financially benefit him in the coming years. As far as power, he's really abusing or grabbing hold, it all seems to be (to me) like enough force to cause a rift, or sway, the course enough that he can benefit from it.

They contain just enough "perceived" truth for an average person to abandon logic and facts and jump to conclusions. Then it becomes set in their mind even though they made up their mind because of the influence of ignorance. Then everything they see and hear adds to this ignorance creating a wall of complete denial, resulting in a person who's thought process cannot accept new facts or logic to the contrary.

There is a difference between being cunning enough to see through a ploy and being ignorant enough to come up with your own..
What about influence from rappers such as Lowkey, Immortal technique, Diabolic and others supporting certain conspiracy theory's, (Immortal Technique - Bush took down the towers)
Farrakhan said the CIA started AIDS, as did many groups.

New ice age/global warming?
Now, whats scary is, when some say the conversation is over with, as if they "know" for certain, absolute fact.

Jesus returns? Many have gone this path, willing to die to do so, yet Jesus Himself said:

No one knows the time
And these were fervent believers whose lives were given up for Christ.
If people like this can be deceived, why not the masses?