Analyst: People Are Overpaying Apple for 128 GB iPad 4

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C'mon Apple, is that the best price you can offer? It's way too cheap. My bank account is not being challenged enough. LOL!
Hey the people saying this is obvious are probably complaining that iSheep don't know what they're buying and are stupid for getting ripped off... so this article pointing it out is a good thing, not a bad thing.

[citation][nom]Quaffable[/nom](Stupid) people are overpaying for all Apple products[/citation]

Non-Apple manufacturers aren't doing enough marketing to get attention.
[citation][nom]beayn[/nom]Hey the people saying this is obvious are probably complaining that iSheep don't know what they're buying and are stupid for getting ripped off... so this article pointing it out is a good thing, not a bad thing.[/citation]
I normally don't care about Apple products, but lately I have been steering people away from them given the problems with the iPhone 5 build quality issues and the iOS6 map update.

And the ones that took my advice thanked me after trying them out in the store. This pricing is crazy tho. They would be better of putting an SD slot in, sell and overcharge for them at Apple stores to make more profit.

Just my opinion tho.
[citation][nom]hammer85[/nom]iSheep! Now that's a nice term.[/citation]

People don't know any better. What they want it something that functions properly without choppyness, without issue and Apple provides that.

Unfortunately, at an insane stupid price. Its the most popular for a reason and as much as you try and convince yourself its simply because its pretty - its because it works and does what you want it to do without lagging behind and getting all choppy. It was Apple that introduced this whole touchscreen smooth interface "Phase" and everyone quickly followed (Took years to catch up too).

Today though, it seems Apple is more about money then product, it updates its product a tiny bit and charges a fortune for it. Its absolutely pathetic. I am switching to the Galaxy 4 when its released just so I can stop supporting Apple and once they realize that they're falling behind because of their price gouging, they'll produce products at a better more reasonable price.

Or not.

Who knows.
$35 dollars? This analyst is being way to nice. More like not even. I highly doubt if it cost them anything much at all to add the additional space. They buy it in MASS BULK, it's practically nothing.

And so what? We all, already knew this. Thanks Captain Obvious!
Well, as its a fact that Appel is overpriced as hell, the actual numbers are nice too see... How ppl is getting screwed by such....... company... sad sad sad....
While I do think Apple stuff is generally a bit expensive, does anyone think it would be a good idea for a business to sell products for anywhere near what they cost to make? I would hope Apple would have at least 50% markup. News flash, companies make money buy selling things for more than they cost!

Not to mention, the top tier product always has a bit of luxury tax built in.
Seriously? ALL memory upgrades were always overpriced. You were practically paying an extra $100 for every extra 16GB of storage. Now Google jumped on that too by removing SD card slot from their Nexus devices... I don't believe their claim that "it's to remove confusion of where the data goes" one bit.
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