Analyst: Windows 7 is Still Too Expensive

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People drink too much Apple Kool-Aide. The pricing is fine with me. If you can't afford to upgrade, don't! I know I am gonna get on PC up to Win7, but I'm keeping one with Vista. It really is a great OS. I can't believe that their is still this much Vista hate out there.
I'm disappointed that 7 Ultimate doesn't have a pre-order discount. I purchased Vista Ultimate less than 6 months ago, and while I'd really like to upgrade to 7 I don't want to have to do a full install if I downgrade to Professional, and I'm definitely not spending another $200 for 7 Ultimate.
i have been on windows vista since alpha...they runied what couldve been a great os...the alpha was perfect...then microsoft added the for vista being great, it is now even though still a resource hog....but people forget the many many months of constant bluescreens we endured at first, even on vista designed hardware.

so yes micrsoft should sell windows 7 at a fair price for the economy and as a way to say im sorry for messing with you all with something worse than windows far as a family pack, never would happen in my home...i buy one copy and call it in if i need to...i have 5 computers in my home.... 3 of wich will run windows 7...the same copy... leave one as vista/ xp.... the other is my linux box....

but again after all the money people spent on vista...that should be considered into the price if they want everyone to upgrade.....
I would release two versions, like XP : Home and Professional.

I'd make Home $99 and Professional $199, and allow up to 4 activations, each. If you only have two computers at home, you already know at least two other people who want an upgrade. You could even charge those people the $20 or $40 and make your money back. Think about it, you could actually do something positive, and reduce piracy... even if just a little bit.
Apple sells the hardware too, so a smaller profit on the software is OK. Comparing to Microsoft's position is less than useful.

I'm getting one discounted Professional upgrade, and then someday if XP stops running on my old Compaq I'll figure out if it's worth trying to upgrade...
$50 for a retail box edition (not the upgrade edition) would be nice. If they really want to cut piracy and dominate the market, that's how you'd do it. They should create an add-on software store similar to the iTunes app-store and try to make back some money there... at least that way it would be optional. Most people wouldn't even mind paying $0.99 - 5.99 for a piece of cheap software, they could even sell calculator and MS paint this way instead of including all the little freebie apps.
The example used is not a good one. Apple can sell its OS cheap, because you must, according to the license, buy their premium priced hardware to use it. Microsoft doesn't make any money on the hardware, so they have to make their profit on the software.
The half price sale they are having right now should be the regular retail price and Windows Ultimate is way overpriced regardless of a sale or not. Microsoft promised Ultimate features for Vista and they never happened. Anyone running a legitimate copy of Vista Ultimate should definitely get a big rebate for Windows 7 Ultimate. There should be no operating system more than $100.
Of course we all want the most for our money and free is certainly perfect. Nevertheless, Microsoft is in business to make money and they have all the reason to charge as much as they can ... they're still a monopoly of sorts. Regardless, Vista pricing was outrageous and the pre-sale pricing for 7 is quite reasonable. Yet, once it goes back to $120 (from $50) it's once again an expression of their status in the market, and not much we can do about it. So lets enjoy the pre-sale or switch systems.
Baker has it right.....Micro needs to change the price structure, hard economic times or not. A 5 user affordable license would be great, call it whatever. And you Micro fanboys need to get off it when someone compares Micro to Apple it's going to happen. They are the top 2 OSs in the Market and even though Micro is installed on Most PCs doesn't mean they are the Only Thing going. If they had any more market share they would be a monopoly and Pricing their OS as it is would be highway robbery.
I like the idea behind multiple licenses for a discounted amount. I'd be more apt to buy the Home Premium for $149 (for example) with five licenses than I would a single user for $79.
I know it will never happen, but i still think that all the Vista user should get a severe discount on a full retail (not upgrade) license to Windows 7. Just let Microsoft work it out so that you cannot have both the Vista and Windows 7 activated at the same time. Give us something for being the Windows 7 Beta for 3 years well using Vista.
I beg you, follow the same $30 for a single license and $50 for a family pack (as Apple does) with no gotchas for every version of Windows 7 and not as an upgrade, I'm talking about the full blown price.

And please please please, one single version in the future. Hell, it's still not too late to release a single version like Ultimate 32bit/64bit.

I say go one step further. Start blitzing mail/newspapers/point of sale counters with media of Windows 7 Ultimate in the minimalist packaging. Hand them out for free and then charge for a key online after a 30/60/90/whatever trial at the above mentioned pricing scheme. Not as a promotion! As a permanent price point.

Are you saying you won't match Apple in the one thing they are actually price friendly with?????

You can do this! People need/want this at this price. Let this be the year that Microsoft gets incredi-buzz on something positive like this. This can be truly historically positive.
Well....I'll be damned if they drop the prices that much. But if you look at it like this: If you buy a Mac for about $1000 you get about a $600-700 Windows machine. But pay for Vista Ultimate (comparing FULL featured OS) and your up at the $1050 mark, same as Apple's offering. Very estimated of course, but you see where the difference is, but Vista/7 REALLY should be much cheaper. And then there's all the nice things that come with Mac, like just working, but that is hopefully coming with Win7 =D
[citation][nom]sublifer[/nom]$50 for a retail box edition (not the upgrade edition) would be nice. If they really want to cut piracy and dominate the market, that's how you'd do it. They should create an add-on software store similar to the iTunes app-store and try to make back some money there... at least that way it would be optional. Most people wouldn't even mind paying $0.99 - 5.99 for a piece of cheap software, they could even sell calculator and MS paint this way instead of including all the little freebie apps.[/citation]
Cheap? I agree, but PAY for a calculator!? Never. In a heartbeat there would be sooo many free ones available it would not be worth M$'s time. Paint I could live without, but paying for basic features?....No.
[citation][nom]sublifer[/nom]$50 for a retail box edition (not the upgrade edition) would be nice. If they really want to cut piracy and dominate the market, that's how you'd do it. They should create an add-on software store similar to the iTunes app-store and try to make back some money there... at least that way it would be optional. Most people wouldn't even mind paying $0.99 - 5.99 for a piece of cheap software, they could even sell calculator and MS paint this way instead of including all the little freebie apps.[/citation]

Cutting on piracy, I can see a cheaper price might help a bit (though I doubt it'd have a huge impact).. but as for market domination? They already hold on to that with the current prices or even if they charged a little more. 🙁

But I think we can all agree that if they slashed the price of Win7 even by just half, it'd be a win for everyone and would probably help to alleviate a bit of the "evil bad guy" image MS still carries around to this day.
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