you just discriminated me by age :$. i only want touchscreen smartphones coz of their browsing easiness and multimedia capabilities. why i want those is they are very handy when you are not going to be home for sometime, perhaps a road trip or waiting somewhere someplace.. whats more nice than just playing a movie and watching it until the end and then you suddenly realize you have passed that much time, which would otherwise be spent struggling with boredom.
I have a friend who got an iPhone cause he might have to use it when he waits at the doctor once or twice a year, said he didn't want a netbook because what if he had to stand while he was waiting.
Seems to me for the $ vs time you put in you could spend it wiser. Seems to me, a little planning +cheap cell phone + portable gaming unit +netbook is easier on the eyes and wallet than iPhone + monthly rent for it + off chance it'll be useful in any meaningful way that couldn't have been accomplished easier or better. I put it in the same category as a shoe-phone. All-in-One? Ya. Stupid idea to do two things poorly, ya.
I know people love their smart phones, and I agree, they are neat, and probably the way phones are going to keep going, faster and better, but don't rationalize how awesome your phone is by telling me it's now a supercomputer, after telling me it's going to replace my desktop next week.
One day, maybe it will, blue tooth keyboard and mouse and a fast enough GPU when hooked up to my incredibly larger than 3in monitor, I can understand if I can use it without paying rent on it every month maybe. Then again, I enjoy building hot rods and don't own a prius.