I followed the solution here and while it DID work and make that one screen go away, now it sticks on another one. Gives me the standard options that usually don't show up unless you hit f8 plus "repair your computer" on the top line.
I am not dual booting so I'd like to just skip all of this. Even the minimum 3 second wait at os selection is an annoyance. (Only 1 os to select...) You only need 1 second in case you are trying to safemode honestly.
I followed the solution here and while it DID work and make that one screen go away, now it sticks on another one. Gives me the standard options that usually don't show up unless you hit f8 plus "repair your computer" on the top line.
I am not dual booting so I'd like to just skip all of this. Even the minimum 3 second wait at os selection is an annoyance. (Only 1 os to select...) You only need 1 second in case you are trying to safemode honestly.